Voodieh Class
Nice Klingon Ship, Is lovely!

this is the Voodieh Class Cruiser Negh'Var futur variant for Armada 2.
Odf's = Doom369
SOD = Unknown
TGA = Unknown
This mod has 3 new wepons, 2 Disruptors and an enhanced poleron Torpedo.
b_kvood GBkvood 0 0 64 64
b_gpoleron2 gbpolrntrp00 0 0 64 64
# Klingon wireframes
kvoodw1 klingwireframe01 0 0 48 48
kvoodw2 klingwireframe01 48 0 48 48
kvoodw3 klingwireframe01 96 0 48 48
kvoodw4 klingwireframe01 144 0 48 48
kvoodw5 klingwireframe01 192 0 48 48
// ***[ KLINGON SHIPS ]***************************
kvood.odf 0
// ***[ KLINGON SPECIAL WEAPONS ]*****************
gpoleron2.odf 0
kvood.odf 0
gpoleron2.odf 0
I can be reached at Jdoom369@Yahoo.com
Version | Author | Doom369 | Website | ||
Downloads | 1,022 | Size | 3.05 MB | Created | 2005-06-08 |
I forgot to mention that the ship is also very nice, expect an email shortly
if you are to say that they wouldn't name a class as 'Enterprise' then maybe it would have made more sense for Starfleet to give the 'Enterprise-E' name to another class of ship!