TOS Klingon Compilation Ship Pack
From the readme:
This is a TOS Klingon ship pack with the files for the movable wings bird of prey and the K't'inga class D7 upgrade for A2
Nicely done, and they work in-game

Hi All,
This is a TOS Klingon ship pack with the files for the movable wings bird of prey and the K't'inga class D7 upgrade for A2. I only made the necessary modifications for this to work as a multiple ship pack and the K't'inga mod. The bird of prey was made Heiko Fishcher who did an excelent job on this mod. I have included the readme for thier mod, so if you want the details there all over there. The new bird of prey has better weaponry and two different modes, attack and warp. In attack mode (wings down), the bird of prey can release a devastating arsenal. In warp mode (wings up), the ship cannot attack, but can go to warp. Both modes have cloak and attack also includes gravity mines. I did slightly change the build cost of the Bird of Prey for game balance, since it is much more powerfull in its new form
The K't'inga class is basicly just a koloth class with cruddy but more weaponry, no weapon enhancer, and cloak. I'm fairly confidident it can take out a bird of prey, but dont get to confident, because it has lower grade weapory. The K't'inga is buildable at the shipyard with no research stations.
I may be realeasing more klingon compeleation TOS ship packs, and maybe a full race mod, but there is a limited amount of klingon matierial out so that is only a possibility.
Thanks to Heiko Fishcher these matierials and a great job in this mod. I did not create any of the new weapons, textures, or ideas associated with this new bird of prey. I merely linked with my K�t�inga mod and changed the BOP build cost for game balance. His e-mail is included in the readme for his BOP mod and if you want to contact me I am reachable and
Install Instructions: place the files in there labeled areas, but remeber that since I had the path for each file labeled, it will create a sub folder for the new files in all of the modded folders, so you will have to go back and manually remove these folders. I hope to find a mod-installer somewhere and if anyone has one that theyed be willing to share I would really like to get a copy.
Bugs: none that I have detected so far, but if mess to much with the weapons and thier hardpoints the might not work
Copyright and Distribution Permissions
Copyright notices:
Star Trek, Star Trek Armada II, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: The Next Generation,
Star Trek: Voyager (and the various logo devices used in them) are copyright Paramount Pictures, as are the characters, related images, and sound from the productions.
If you use this mod or any pieces of it in any Star Trek Armada project please include a credit to the creators or preferably thier readmes.
Thanx to the dautless modders for the base for this info!
Version | Author | Iggy | Website | ||
Downloads | 2,001 | Size | 299.19 KB | Created | 2002-09-14 |
It now uses an auto installer