Nin'toq Class Heavy Destroyer
This is the Nin'toq Class Heavy Destroyer brought to Armada 2 by chiletrek and what a great looking vessel it is. The Nin'toq looks like a kitbash between a Vor'cha and a Fek'lhr, that looks very tough and combat-orientated given the fact that the ship doesn't appear to have any vulnerable features such as the D7 and BoP's elongated neck!, although from it's design I wouldn't have classed it as a destroyer rather a cruiser but thats just personal taste. The one slightly mute point for this ship in my opinion is the stock-type textures but some may see that as bonus as it does fit in perfectly with the stock Klingon fleet.
The Nin'toq's original blueprint schematics, ship-subsytem specs and general information can be found here - Nin'toq Class Specs
Starship background:
The Nin'toq Class ship first began operating within Planetary Assault Groups of the Klingon Imperial Defense Force in 2368. Capable of routine planetary landings and equipped with both assault shuttlecraft and rapid scanning, high-volume pattern-buffer transporter systems, these vessels are designed to directly insert both assault troops and elite special forces into specific, localized target areas under a number of combat scenarios.
A very unique Klingon vessel, a worthy download
Klinogn Nin'toq Heavy Destroyer.:
I am Chiletrek and this mod contains a kitbash I made from the Vor'cha to create my version of the very cool Nin'toq Class.
Nin'toq Class ships first began operating within Planetary Assault Groups of the Klingon Imperial Defense Force in 2368. Capable of routine planetary landings and equipped with both assault shuttlecraft and rapid scanning, high-volume pattern-buffer transporter systems, these vessels are designed to directly insert both assault troops and elite special forces into specific, localized target areas under a number of combat scenarios.
Things I made:
1) An update of the Vor'cha's texture (also available in my Vor'cha variants' mod).
2) New model along with a buildbutton, wireframe, Admiral's Log pic and ODF.
3) This Read me.
Installation Instructions:
1) Unzip the contents of this file on a temporary folder.
2) Open your Star Trek Armada II folder.
3) Copy kdestroy1.sod and paste it in your SOD folder.
4) Copy kdestroy1.bmp and paste it in your \bitmaps\AdmiralsLog\ShipImages folder.
5) Copy Kcruise1.tga, knintoqwire.tga & gbkdestroy1.tga , and paste them in your \Textures\RGB folder.
6) Copy kdestroy1.odf and paste it in your \odf\ships folder.
7) Copy kdphas.odf and kdphaso.odf and paste them in your odf\weapons\Phasers folder.
8) Open your Sprites folder and open gui_global.spr with Notepad.
9) Search for: # Klingon build buttons
10) Paste this line:
b_kdestroy1 gbkdestroy1 0 0 64 64
below the last Klingon build button.
11) Now Search for: # Klinogn Wireframes
12) Paste this line:
kdestroy1w1 knintoqwire 256 256 256 256
below the last Klingon wireframe.
- To add the ship to the first Klingon Yard:
13) Go to your odf\stations folder and open kyard.odf with Notepad, search the Construction Parameters and add: buildItem* = "kdestroy1"
Where you replace the * with the next number of the sequence.
14) Pheewwww, Finally, you are ready to enjoy this mod, I'm sorry to make such long read me but it was neccesary to try to avoid problems.
For maximum enjoyment of the stock textures, you may select all files with _1 & _2 in their filenames and cut them to a safe location for backups. Now that those files aren't present all ships, station and special effect will look better than ever.
1) Gene Roddenberry: For creating the Star Trek saga. Thank you very much!
2) Activision and Mad-Doc Software: For making the game.
3) The Nin'toq was created using the schematics by Mark A. Wilson.
Visit the webpage to learn more and see more incredible blueprints:
4) You: For taking your time to take a look at my mod :)
Any doubts, questions or suggestions, you can E-mail me at: astro_nejiro at
I am not responsible for any type of damage, either for virus or for the use of this MOD.
Copyright and Distribution Permissions
Copyright notices:
Star Trek, Star Trek Armada II, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: The Next Generation,
Star Trek: Voyager (and the various logo devices used in them) are copyright Paramount Pictures, as are the characters, related images, and sound from the productions.
Version | Author | Chiletrek | Website | ||
Downloads | 410 | Size | 615.55 KB | Created | 2007-07-22 |
About the preview pics, I knew I forgot something!, so how can I send some pics? using the same e-mail address we use to submit our mods?
Yes - J7
Thanks for all of your comments, I really appreciate it
No offense taken
And since I cannot make my own texture sets (yet) and still like the stock stuff, then it make sense for me to keep releasing stuff based on stock. But I can do edit a bit so you'll find that the texture I included is not 100% stock.
And about a non-stock version, Amoebia, you may get a surprise soon