Kron Class Battlecruiser Kron Class Battlecruiser

(7 votes)
Transmission, 2008-01-29

Introducing a Klingon ship that I have a soft spot for - the Kron Class Battlecruiser. First time I ever saw this fantastic Klingon ship was in the Crimson Shadow "House of Korgoth" Pirate Cartel Mod for Starfleet Command. It can be found on the Staryards Mod site which includes a 3d mesh, also I do believe this ship is also in Future Tense. However Tycoon has brought it here and that is the important thing!

In comparison to versions of the K'ron from other games I would say this does stand it's own and looks to me like one of the better versions of the Kron. The Kron is basically a streamlined but bigger version of a Vor'cha with elements of the Negh'Var's aft module while the wing modules do look similar to the Federation Courageous Class. Most of the time it is denoted as a destroyer but some denote it as a battlecruiser, which I would say is an accurate class of the ship. It is no means a kitbash but a variant. Tycoon's texture job means it looks sleak and fits right in with the Klingons of Armada 2

This is a must for all Soldiers of the Empire to download!




Klingon Kron Class Battlecruiser



Oriignal Mesh Creation: Rick "Hobbes" Snider

Original Mesh Textures: Rick "Hobbes" Snider

Conversion of Mesh: Tycoon (this would be me)

- conversion of basic mesh

- alterations to mesh (new head, modified hull, additional support placements, additional weapon arrays)

Texture Modifications: Tycoon (this would be me)

- reduced texture sets (combined original texture sets for A2 friendly use)

- retextured (using textures from the Vor'cha and Voodieh of Luan Ngo).


Files Included:


.TXT File(s) x1

.JPG File(s) x3

.ODF File(s) x1

.SOD File(s) x1

.TGA File(s) x8


Authors Notes:


* The poly count for this model stands at 1841.

* There are eight 512x512 texture sets for use with this model.

* Users of this file / ship will have to add it into the game themselves.

* This file is without the game essentials. Build Buttons, Wireframes, Admirals Log Image are not included.

* sprites and tech tree allocations have not been done either. Users will have to complete this themselves.

* Ask if you'd like to use this in a project. I'd rather people not assume they can do as they please.


Contact Details:


Name: Ashley "Tycoon" Stephens



Version    Author  Transmission  Website   
Downloads  656  Size  2.60 MB  Created  2008-01-29 



#1 dan1025 2008-01-29 11:39
Great looking ship!, definatly worth a download :-)

#2 Doom369 2008-01-30 00:02
Cool, finally an A2 quality K'Ron class. woo hoo.
#3 Thun 2008-02-10 13:30
Very nice! We NEED more Klingon ships that don't look bizarre! Excellent! :D

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