KDF C-9A "Heart of Kahless"
One of the most impressive new Klingon vessels we've seen in a while for Armada II comes to us from Pepperman:
The Klingon Defense Force C-9A Kahless tIq vo', or Heart of Kahless was put into service in approximately 2360. This vessel is the second most advanced ship ever fielded by the Klingon Empire. It boasts a dynamic shielding system, a J6e Cloaking array, advanced reactive armor plating, and organic power and information transfer systems. Furthermore, her weaponry is far superior to the Negh’var.
This is a full mod, and a most impressive design for the Klingon Empire. Honour and glory are assured. Download this one today!
* Name: KDF C-9A �Heart of Kahless� (Kahless tIq vo�) class Battleship
* Version: 1.0
* Game: Armada II
* Model Credits:
* - Game: Star Trek Armada II
* - Ship Design: Raven Night
* - Mesh Developer: Raven Night
* + RavenNight@Hotmail.com
* + See original read me file (HOK Readme.doc)
* - Texture Developer: Raven Night
* - Conversion By: Pepperman
* Wireframe, Build Buttons and Object Definition Files (ODFs):
* - Activision and Mad Doc Software
* - Pepperman
* Other textures:
* - Activision and Mad Doc Software
* - Klingon pulse and torpedo textures by Rake
* + Homepage: http://www.strategyplanet.com/starmada/weapons
* + Contact: rake@strategyplanet.com
* - Punisher disruptors textures by AnunC8 (Unique Weapon Sprites (Modder's Resource)
* + Contact: anunc8(@)yahoo(.)com
* Audio Files:
* - None. Uses stock sounds.
* Permissions: See original read me file (HOK Readme.doc)
* Notes: This release is a high poly count version. The model (15,490 plys)
* incudes two high definition texture maps (2048 x 2048).
The Klingon Defense Force C-9A Kahless tIq vo', or Heart of Kahless was put into service in approximately 2360. This vessel is the second most advanced ship ever fielded by the Klingon Empire. It boasts a dynamic shielding system, a J6e Cloaking array, advanced reactive armor plating, and organic power and information transfer systems. Furthermore, her weaponry is far superior to the Negh�var.
Setup Instructions:
1. Download file
Download file, virus check and extract files to a known location other than
the Armada II directory
2. Copy files
Copy the *.SOD to your SOD Directory
C:Program FilesActivisionStar Trek Armada IISOD
Copy the *.odf to your Odf Directories
C:Program FilesActivisionStar Trek Armada IIodfships
C:Program FilesActivisionStar Trek Armada IIodfspecial_weapons
C:Program FilesActivisionStar Trek Armada IIodfweapons
Copy the *.tga to your Textures/Rgb Directory
C:Program FilesActivisionStar Trek Armada IITexturesRGB
Copy the *.bmp to your bitmaps directory
C:Program FilesActivisionStar Trek Armada IIbitmapsAdmiralsLogShipImages
3. Mod the ship files and make it buildable by the shipyard
Open the Federation shipyard odf file (e.g., kyard2.odf) and insert a
new builditem under the construction parameters:
// Construction Parameters
buildItemX = "khok"
Where X is the next available number in the sequence.
4. Mod the appropriate Techfile files
Open an appropriate techtree file (e.g., tech1.tt is for standard tech mode)
and add the following lines.
khok.odf 1 kyard2.odf
gkhokcloak.odf 0
gpunisher.odf 0
5. Mod the Gui_global.spr to add build buttons and wireframes
Open the gui_global.spr file located in the Sprites
C:Program FilesActivisionStar Trek Armada IISprites
Add the following lines under the # Klingon build buttons header:
b_khok gbkhok 0 0 64 64
b_gkhokcloak gkhokcloak 0 0 64 64
b_gpunisher gbplasmac00 0 0 64 64
Now add the wireframe references under the follwing header:
# Klingon wireframes
# Wireframe for the Heart of Kahless
khokw1 khokwireframe 0 0 48 48
khokw2 khokwireframe 48 0 48 48
khokw3 khokwireframe 96 0 48 48
khokw4 khokwireframe 144 0 48 48
khokw5 khokwireframe 192 0 48 48
6. Mod the weapon.spr to add weapon references
Open the weapon.spr file located in the Sprites
C:Program FilesActivisionStar Trek Armada IISprites
Add the following lines under the respective headers:
# Klingon Modified AX3 punisher disruptors
wpunisher wpunisher 0 0 128 128 @anim=tex4x4
# Long range heavy disruptor cannons
khokdlr khokdlr 32 32 192 160
wbpulse2 wbpulse2 0 0 256 57
# Klingon Type 7 Torpedo launcher
khoktorp khoktorp 0 0 85 85 @anim=tex3x3
# Klingon Dynamic shielding system
kara kara 0 0 32 32
# Short range defensive pulse disruptors
wbpulse1 wbpulse1 9 0 118 83
7. Mod the damage.spr to add/upgrade damage mechanisms
Open the damage.spr located in the Sprites folder.
C:Program FilesActivisionStar Trek Armada IISprites
Add the following lines:
origin xspark01 0 0 32 32 @anim=tex4x4
8. Have fun with the KDF Heart of Kahless
I hope you enjoy this addition to ST Armada II. Have fun.
9. Contact Info
Feel free to drop me a line and let me know what you thought of the addon.
10. Uninstall Info
Reverse the steps above to remove this ship.
11. Legal
This material is not made or supported by Activision or MAD DOC Software. This material is freeware and may not be use for commercial purposes! By installing this addon, you (the user) agree to and assume all risks of said addon. As a result, I take no responsibility for any damages that may occur to your game, mod or hardware.
Star Trek and related marks are trademarks of Paramount Pictures. Activision is a
registered trademark of Activision, Inc. All right reserved. All other trademarks
and trade names are the properties of their respective owners.
Version | Author | Pepperman | Website | ||
Downloads | 857 | Size | 9.94 MB | Created | 2009-03-01 |
P.S. Resistance is futile, eh?