Warp 10's Daedalus Warp 10's Daedalus

(17 votes)
Warp 10, 2002-10-26

For his first model, Warp 10 did a very good job Smile

It's the Daedalus class seen and heard in TOS. Warp 10's version is nice, yet a tad basic. Still, for a first model, he did an excellent job Smile


This is my first attempt at making anything 3D and my first major mod to a game besides the odfs. The Daedalus was originally designed by Matt Jeriffies as one of the very early models for The Original Series, but was used in other ways beside been NCC-Enterprise.

Polygon Count - 1280 originally about 2700
Textures - by me Warp10
ODF - yes
Build Button - yes
Wire frame - yes
Borg Textures - no

I don't know how to make Borg textures

I used 3d Studio Max 4 and truned into a SOD file using the sta2_3dsmax. download you can get under Utillites at www.armada2files.com.

I made this file because it was a very simple stucture to make and because to knowledge it isn't for download anywhere I know of.

Well since I was the only person who made this.

I did not add any mod to the techtree or sprite file or any shipyards.
This is for anyone who does not know how to install a new ship.

But to install I'll tell you.

Move all of the .tga files to the 'Textures' 'Rgb' folder.
Move the .odf file to the 'odf' 'ships' folder
Move the .sod file to the 'sod' folder
Move the .bmp file to the 'bitmap' 'AdmiralsLog' 'ShipImages' folder

Go to the 'techtree' folder and open 'fulltech.tt'
And at the end of the list of ship and then a break were the 'fedpod1.odf 0' would be add 'fdaebalus.odf 0' and leave a gap between the ships and pods, why? It's just easier to find the end again.
Now go to the 'tech1.tt' file also in the 'techtree' folder and add at the end of the Federation Ships
fdaedalus.odf 1 fbase.odf
Although you can change the requirements to what ever you want.

Now go to the 'Sprites' folder and open the 'gui_global.spr' file and scroll down until you see

# Federation build buttons

and add somewhere under the federation
b_fdaedalus gbfdaedalus 0 0 64 64
and now scroll even father down until you see

# Federation wireframes


and add anywhere in the federation section

fdaedalusw1 fedwireframe09 0 0 48 48
fdaedalusw2 fedwireframe09 48 0 48 48
fdaedalusw3 fedwireframe09 96 0 48 48
fdaedalusw4 fedwireframe09 144 0 48 48
fdaedalusw5 fedwireframe09 192 0 48 48

Now finally choose weather you want the Daedalus to be built at the Starbase, Shipyard or Advanced Shipyard.

Under the 'odf' 'stations' folder look for a file named 'fbase.odf'
Now in the fbase file scroll down until you see it say
//Construction Parameters
and then some 'buildItem#' add the Daebalus or any other ship add the bottom of the build list
buildItem# = "fdaedalus"
# = the next number above for the previous one.
Now you have a Daedalus to play the game with

This pretty much the same as the Starbase one but you have to put it in the fyard.odf file
Under the same folder as the Starbase
Scroll down until you find
//Construction Parameters
and add

buildItem# = "fdaedalus"
# = the next number above for the previous one.

Note) you can't have more the 15 ships, up to buildItem14

Advanced Shipyard
This also pretty much the same as the Starbase and shipyard find the file fyard2.odf also under the same folder.
Scroll down until you find
//Construction Parameters
and add

buildItem# = "fdaedalus"
# = the next number above for the previous one.

Note) you can't have more the 15 ships, up to buildItem14

I'm not sure if this will work in Armada1 since I don't have it or play it so I'm not sure.

You can use this ship in any of you mods just please give the credit to me.
Also feel free to make new weapons file like phasers and photons I just gave it the Akira class.

This ship will be added to my mod, which is the Federation, Klingon and Romulans in the TOS universe. But that's if I ever get time.

note) I'm 13 years old.

Version    Author  Warp 10  Website   
Downloads  502  Size  212.27 KB  Created  2002-10-26 



#1 Smellincoffee 2002-10-26 08:19
Looks almost just like the one featured on the "Starfleet: Year 1" cover!
#2 Guest 2002-10-26 12:27
you ar reading thath book to? its ammazing, and yes i would love a daedlus like that one.
#3 Smellincoffee 2002-10-28 19:40
Actually, I finished it. :-D Loved the book, really great job. I read most of it when it was appearing chapter by chapter, though. :-) I'd like to see someone mod a Christopher-class ship, but the only description I've found is a "hip flask with nacells tucked under it".
#4 _borg_drone_ 2002-11-02 04:08
email me n we can talk
#5 STOMPAWAMPA 2003-09-19 21:20
nice tos ship

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