Wallace Class Wallace Class

(6 votes)
JkerPlay, 2003-02-07

A great ship by Jkerplay Smile

Federation Wallace Class

An Armada1 & Armada2 SOD versions are included along with the textures.


Put the appropriate (a1 or a2) "fwallace.SOD" in the SOD folder of your game.

Put the 2 Texture files (wallace.tga, wallace_b.tga) in the Textures/RGB folder of your game.

You will need to create an ODF file and make text entries in your TechTrees, Gui_Global.spr, shipyard, Admirals Log.

You may also want to create a Build Button and a WireFrame for this ship.


SOD: JkerPlay

Texture: JkerPlay


I am not responsible for any damages this may cause your computer or your game.
This mod and files are not endorsed, or approved by Activision/Mad Doc.
Use at your own risk!

If you use this ship in your own mod, Then give credit to JkerPlay in the Mod's ReadMe file.

Version    Author  JkerPlay  Website   
Downloads  1,192  Size  1.13 MB  Created  2003-02-07 



#11 Wraith_166 2004-06-12 05:42
I hope that JkerPlay will make the Falkirk class cruiser to go with this ship (see www.ussmiranda.com/ships/falkirk.htm)

I think they would go well together.
8) 8) 8)
#12 insert_name_heer 2007-12-30 16:43
it's used as a scout replacement for the feds in concept future.

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