Wolf 359 Ship Pack Wolf 359 Ship Pack

(2 votes)
Transmission, 2007-07-10

What's better than 1 ship? Well, it's actually 3! This is exactly what this is. Any guesses to the ships?

That's right, the infamous Wolf359-3 are in here, namely the New Orleans (lots of torpedo tubes and the original test bed for quantum torpedoes) the Cheyenne (a four nacelled cruiser) and the Springfield (with a big...thing...on it...holds torpedoes?). Anyhow, I'm sure most of you have already seen these before, but for those who haven't, they were prototype designs pumped out by Starfleet in an effort to produce 'Anti-Borg' ships. Of course, considering all ships were destroyed at Wolf 359, they all failed. The ships are all cruisers based off the larger Galaxy design. They play more of a supporting role in the fleet, so don't expect them to be punching any holes in battleships, or at least not by themselves.

The Cheyenne you'll want to use as a reconnaissance vessel. Its speed allows it to dart in and out with the info. before it's reacted too, but its armament will achieve little in terms of offensive punch. The Springfield, having a bit more of a punch, can support a larger class while it engages. Again, this won't be doing any one-on-one, but, it has enough power to fight and then cheese it when the enemy re-enforcements come. The New Orleans, the only ship likely to survive in a one-on-one has a large torpedo load and is small, but can be ripped apart fairly easily. She's essentially an artillery ship, so you'll want her behind the bulk of your forces, but still in range of the enemy. No doubt, she's the strongest of the lot.

Graphically, they all look very nice. We do have multiple versions of each on the site, so they provide a little bit more choice to which one you get. In-game, they'll do a straight replacement of the Akira, Intrepid and Steamrunner though when you have the hp's, there is of course nothing stopping you from changing the odf's to your heart's content.

All in all, it's a nice and well done pack. While technically not adding anything new to the scene, you can't fault its quality.


Zero Hour, Wolf 359 Package: Springfield, Cheyenne & New Orleans


Oncemore, I release ships that are no longer going to appear within the Zero Hour project.
These three were going to feature as frigates within Zero Hour, and a lot of effort was put into them, poly reducing them, sorting out their textures, and other modifications.
I eventually ruled them out due to already having too many Federation starships in game.

These three ships replace the stock Akira, Steamrunner and Intrepid.

Springfield > Akira
Cheyenne > Intrepid
New Orleans > Steamrunner


The Springfield Class was issued to replace the Miranda & Constitution roles, as a backbone for exploration alongside the Ambassador. Few of these ships were ever made; most missions to be covered by them were undertaken by the Excelsior Class.


The Cheyenne Class was constructed to replace the aging Constellation Class, and for deep space assignments. Again with the Constellation, these vessels are equipped with four warp nacelles, sharing the weight of warp.


New Orleans:
The New Orleans Class was constructed for deep space reconnaissance missions, along with the Springfield & Cheyenne. Unlike the other two however, the New Orleans has Quantum Torpedoes, and was designated to act as a testing ship for these new weapons.



Original Model Design: Rick "P81" Knox
Original Textures: Rick "P81" Knox

Edited Model Design: Tycoon (Me)
- Poly Reduced
- New Saucer Section (courtesy of Major Payne) - poly reduced further by me.
Edited Textures: Tycoon (Me)
- Removed Registries
- Reduced Texture Sets
- Re-Applied to Nacelles

Conversion to Armada II: Tycoon (Me)
- This includes Hardpoints, Build Buttons, Admirals Log Images and such.

*Note: The New Orleans Class is also using Deemons Galaxy Texture for her nacelles.
*Note: The Springfield (before I went to work on her) didn't have the underhull that she now has. This was put in place by me.
*Note: Phaser strips added to Upper Saucer Texture(s) by Gavin.



Hightlight the SOD, Textures and ODF Folders, and copy them into your Armada II directory. Yes to overwrite.


Wireframes. these three ships use the Wireframes of the stock Akira, Steamrunner and Intrepid.


Contact Details:
ash87uk@hotmail.com / ashs87uk@yahoo.co.uk

ZH Website: http://www.freewebs.com/stazh
ZH Forums: http://www.majesticscificentral.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=71


*Note: These models are not to be re-released or converted without express permission from myself. Don't assume that you can use these models for individual releases, or include them in additional projects without authorisation from me.


Version    Author  Transmission  Website   
Downloads  1,302  Size  5.18 MB  Created  2007-07-10 



#11 Doom369 2007-07-10 22:16
#2 - Nice MODS, but there's a TEXTURE FILE missing - Posted by: STGamerNew2002 (V.I.P. Member) on 07-10-2007 at 12:06

Hello there Tycoon,

Nice Mod of the ships here - do you have the Galaxy class like this in the texture? Also, one of the TEXTURE FILE for one of the ships is missing. The New Orlenas Class Warp Nacelles are missing it's texture

If the texture is missing the Galaxy Class and venture refit mod here

should have your missing files.
#12 Transmission 2007-07-11 08:38
Ok, so I've redownloaded this file, and have checked it over. The texture is there, and it is also on the model (imported it, incase I forgot to add the texture before exporting it and uploading it). It is there, and it works here.

Is it possible STGamer, that you simply copied all textures except the Galaxy04.tga file?
#13 Starblade. 2007-07-11 13:45
Never mind----

F-Bobby: Check your "fneworleans" .ODF and double-check the "artlphot" weapon hardpoints-- one of them has a double '' tag on it!
#14 Starblade. 2007-07-11 13:46
I'm getting the same swap file error as F-Bobby and this is the only new mod I've installed in some time. Help?
#15 insert_name_heer 2007-07-11 17:18
the nacells look like long boxes on the closest ship in the second screenshot
#16 Transmission 2007-07-12 09:10
As said by Starfleet Kid, in the New Orleans .odf (fcruise2.odf) the 4th (I think) weapon is missing a quotation mark on one of the Hardpoints (HP's). This should correct the file for now.

I am working on replacing this file with a fixed version, however I having trouble doing so, and none of the FileFront Admins are around to help in the issue.
#17 Joelteon7 2007-07-12 15:50
Thanks to Network Admin Ronnie for correcting a little issue in the file. All downloads from here on out should be good to go. If not, continue posting here to say.
#18 afcZman 2007-07-12 16:06

It is clearly a sensor pod under the second Springfield. Just clearing that up for everyone. :-)

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