U.S.S. Courageous U.S.S. Courageous

(4 votes)
Ronmcd1076, 2009-08-21

The Courageous class has appeared in numerous mods over the years --Borg Incursion, Starbase 34's Federation compilation mod, Art of War.... and now it's available in what appears to be a "straight port" from Bridge Commander. That is to say, the conversion from BC happened without any attempt at poly reduction. The model is over 10,000 poly-- for a small-scale fast-attack vessel, that's murder for some computers. Although if your computer can handle that many, she's a thing of beauty.

You might want to consider making this the "hero ship" equivalent and using the lesser-poly models of the Courageous available as the standard build-and-kill model in your game. Either way, everything is included --the buildbuttons, wireframes and so forth-- so if you can get a single model which has more poly than most stock races do in their entire set of ships and stations combined.... it's definitely worth it.


It is 12 years since the end of the Federation / Dominion War.
Starfleet and the Klingon Empire, even with their newest allies � the Romulans, had realised that if any further threat were to emerge against their infant alliance, that only a mere fraction of vessels present during the previous struggle, could possibly mount any opposition.While manufacturing efforts were still thrown into rebuilding the next generation of combat vessels, heavy weapons construction and major planetary defences, all parties were privy to the fact that smaller, more compact vessels were needed during this time to fill the short-fall of their respective fleets. With this in mind, all three powers were invited to participate in a practical exercise to produce a cheap design that would only require a small compliment of crew but that could equal, and repel the firepower of some of the remaining large battleships still in service.

The Klingons presented their newest additon to their fleet � the K�Voragan � a vessel of considerable power � measuring some 420mtrs � but was quickly deemed as too expensive crew-wise to mass produce. The Romulans, while producing an smaller ship was later discovered to be too heavily overpowered and less effective than the existing Defiant-class

Relying on the hugely successful Defiant class that had proved such strong opposition against Dominion forces, Starfleet pursued a similar concept but even more ferociously powerful than its predecessor. A line that the Federation and Starfleet had normally abstained from due to diplomatic reasons.
The Courageous-class starship - the first being the USS Courageous NX- 92413 (later re-registered NCC after trials) was a vessel that quickly impressed all observers during trial runs. Her shear aggressiveness and devastating firepower in such a compact design was once commented as being �obscene� according to a renowned diplomat of Vulcan origin�..

Consisting of four heavy forward pulse phasers, 2 four and 2 aft photon / quantum torpedo launchers and 360 degree coverage type XII phaser arrays, the Courageous was awarded the contract. The Klingon Empire, however, still produced the K�Voragan in limited numbers, while the Romulans abandoned their ill-fated design in favour of the new Type-C class warbird.

Installation Instructions

For Installation, extract all files in the Armada directory.
Insert, courageous.odf 0 in Tech1.tt and Fulltech.tt
Insert, hpcloak.odf 0 in Tech1.tt, in the federation special weapons section.
Insert, buildItemXX = "courageous" in the station of your choice, replace XX with the correct build number.

Insert the following into the gui_global.spr

# Federation build buttons

b_courageous courageous 0 0 64 64

and under # Federation build buttons

courageousw1 wfcourag 0 0 128 128

USS Courageous V1.0

Ship: USS Courageous
Filename: Courageous
Version: 1.0
Date: 20th February 2005
Author: Queball / MayhemUK
E-mail: queball08uk@hotmail.com / mayhemuk@hotmail.com

-Design - MayhemUK
-Mesh - Queball
-Textures - Queball
-Hardpoint and conversion from BC - Ronmcd1076

By downloading this You agree that I will not be held responsible if this file causes any problems to your machine, game, life and/or your state of mind.
So there.



Star Trek, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: Voyager
and related properties are Registered Trademarks of Paramount Pictures
registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office.
All original designs are copyright © Paramount Pictures.
No infringement of Paramount's copyrights is intended.


All files in this zip are for personal use only and cannot be bought or sold.

Permission must be sought from both MayhemUK and myself (Queball) before modification and subsequent publication of the Courageous model, texture sets and any other related file in the archive.
They can be uploaded in any site but credits MUST be given.

Version    Author  Ronmcd1076  Website   
Downloads  581  Size  5.83 MB  Created  2009-08-21 



#11 Omega_Mod_God 2009-08-22 11:20
Ahhhh... perfection. At least looks like it. Anyway, I'll be waiting for more high poly stuff. Because one mod I have in mind is basically gonna need plenty of polies because of say... for those who are fans of detail.
#12 sabbatdark 2009-08-23 12:13
impressive ship. i like the unconventional design. this will take pride of place in my game.
#13 rikkardnovacat 2009-08-24 08:51
#8 - WHAT! - Posted by: jetstorm316 (Member) on 08-21-2009 at 17:11

it's a freakin whitestar! only in starfleet colours!

that made my day! lol

i like the look of the ship but again, the problems stated above put pause to my hand on the clickety clacker when above download. i have no idea why i just wrote that but it doesn't matter. beautiful ship yes, but until my comp can support it, i cant/wont download it

8/10... would be 10 if it weren't for the poly count...
#14 Major_A_Payne 2009-08-24 11:13
The version from BIVR is around the 2.5k mark.

I won't comment on the poly count, but I think a few people know my feelings about directly converting high poly models for an RTS game.
#15 Owerlord 2009-08-26 09:57
Make it green and it is perfect Romulan design :-)
#16 Commander_Hathaway 2009-08-29 19:31
I have downloaded the file and installed it (ship looks awesome btw!) but every time I build it Armada 2 crashes. What did I do wrong? I want to use your ship. Please help!
#17 Ronmcd1076 2009-08-30 13:40
Did you install the weapons? An easy way around that would be to replace the weapons with the Defiants one at a time to determine which is the offending file. Once you've done that, you can replace it easily enough.
#18 Sovereign_73811 2009-11-17 02:34
Whoa, awesome ship.
#19 Sovereign_73811 2009-11-17 02:35
sorry for the double post, but how do I make it a Hero ship?

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