Trident Class Trident Class

(8 votes)
Pizza the Hutt, 2008-08-11

Pizza the Hutt has been back a little while now, and in that time, he's given us all kinds of new stuff, but this one.... well, it's not often that I, of all people, see a Starfleet ship I don't like. Usually it's because the model is poorly done, but in this case, I can't fault that. It's a very well done model of a very poorly considered design.

This three-nacelled Excelsior variant is another one of those speculative designs. It is sometimes listed as Trident class and sometimes as Medusa class. It was at first unclear what was the top and what was the bottom of the ship. Pizza the Hutt used Ex Astris Scientia as a reference for this model. Needless to say, the accuracy speaks for itself. But so does the overall appearance of this ship. "Medusa" indeed. Where exactly they put the warp core is open to interpretation, to say the least. That's implying, of course, that thought went into the design. More than likely it was a case of "hang some warp nacelles on it and throw it on screen" kitbashing.

Download this one if you can bear the sight of it. Pizza the Hutt made a really pretty model of a really silly vessel. Can't fault him for doing his bit as a modder, to give us all those canon Starfleet vessels.


Trident Class by Pizza The Hutt


Copy the file ftrident.sod into the SOD folder
Copy the .tga files into the Textures > RGB folder
Copy the file ftrident.odf into the ODF > ships folder
Copy the file ftrident.bmp into the Bitmaps > Admiralslog folder

Open the file fyard2.odf or fyard.odf (whichever shipyard you want the ship
To be built from) and insert the line: buildItemXX = "ftrident" under
build Parameters below the last ship to be build
XX being the next unused number

Save that file

Open "tech 1" from the Techtree folder and insert this line:

ftrident.odf 1 fyard2.odf // Trident class

Save this file, open "" and insert the following line

ftrident.odf 0

Then save and open "GUI_global.spr" from the sprites folder

Then add this line under federation build buttons:

b_ftrident gbftrident 0 0 64 64

There is a wire frame, it is not perfect, but at least there is one
just add this line into the gui global under wireframes


ftridentw1 ftridentwire 40 0 40 40
ftridentw2 ftridentwire 0 40 40 40
ftridentw3 ftridentwire 40 40 40 40
ftridentw4 ftridentwire 80 0 40 40
ftridentw5 ftridentwire 0 0 40 40

This ship is a kitbash of P81's Constitution and Excelsior class.
verbose tooltip from

Thank you for downloading this ship.

You are allowed to include it in your mod.

Have fun!!!

Pizza the Hutt

Version    Author  Pizza the Hutt  Website   
Downloads  379  Size  3.00 MB  Created  2008-08-11 



#1 _dEjavU_ 2008-08-12 02:00
wow...your really on the wagon Pizza the Hutt, yes keep those funky looking ships comin'
#2 Chief_Chainsaw 2008-08-12 03:44
hmm intriguing, it's like a 3 nacelle Centaur, hey if they found room for a coire in the Centaur they can find room in this. Yet again I'd say warp field test ship... I mean different nacelle designs produice a slightly different shape and strength warp field if my Trek mechanics are up to date... so they'd constantly need to test and tweak warp field dynamics and also the power of the deflector to make it all work! So hey, perhaps ugly, but ugly with a purpose!
#3 adm_tyler 2008-08-12 05:24
Another I like. This goes straight into the game.
#4 Doom369 2008-08-12 13:46
OOO, this looks cool. You don't see many Excelsior Variants. it looks like this one comes with light maps and it uses parts from the best Excelsior model there is for A2.

and now we have Borg textures for both models, cool. I give 10/10.
#5 CanadianBorg 2008-08-12 14:32
While Pizza's rendition of the ship is good, the design itself is butt-ugly. Why do they come up with horrible ships like this again?


P.S. Resistance is futile, eh?
#6 Thermal_Nuclear_Chicken 2008-08-12 17:33
The model is good, but the design looks like something found in that supply depot in the TNG episodes "Unification". I think it would look cool fighting the borg.

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