Saratoga class Battlecruiser Saratoga class Battlecruiser

(4 votes)
Pizza the Hutt, 2009-01-05

Pizza the Hutt returns with a further refit and refinement of an old design of his: the Saratoga class battlecruiser. From Pizza:

This is the third release of the Saratoga class. The rollbar has been replaced by one that is more elegant and so have so pylons that connect the nacelles to the rest of the ship. The torpedo launchers were scaled down, because I found them to be out of proportion. The textures of the back part have been changed to be more crisp and clear and the shuttle bay in the back is now clearly visible. The greatest change was removing the engineering section. I think this makes the ship more look like its precedessor, the Miranda Class. I decided to put the deflecor dish into the pod on the rollbar, first because I didn't want to get rid of it, second because I had scaled down the torpedo launchers and the pod looked too small, and third because I saw other ships of similar designs. I also added three more strobelights.The wireframe now has a transparent background. There are lightmaps and the borg textures have also been improved. Also corrected a typo in the readme file.

Definitely worth a download if you have a previous version, or even if you're just discovering this one for the first time.


Saratoga Class Battlecruiser (version 3.0) by Pizza the Hutt

The Saratoga Class combines the compact and efficent design of the Miranda Class with the size,firepower and technology of the Sovereign Class. The Class was named in honor of the Miranda Class USS Saratoga which was lost during the Battle of Wolf 359.

Known flaws: damage textures not correct.


Copy the file fbattle2.sod into the SOD folder
Copy the .tga files into the Textures > RGB folder
Copy the file fbattle2.odf into the ODF > ships folder
Copy the file fbattle2.bmp into the Bitmaps > Admiralslog folder

Open the file fyard2.odf or fyard.odf (whichever shipyard you want the ship
To be built from) and insert the line: buildItemXX = "fbattle2" under
build Parameters below the last ship to be build
XX being the next unused number

Save that file

Open "tech 1" from the Techtree folder and insert this line:

fbattle2.odf 1 fyard2.odf // Saratoga class

Save this file, open "" and insert the following line

fbattle2.odf 0

Then save and open "GUI_global.spr" from the sprites folder

Then add this line under federation build buttons:

b_fbattle2 gbfbattle2 0 0 64 64

For the wire frame just add this line into the gui global under wireframes


fbattle2w1 fbattlewire 40 0 40 40
fbattle2w2 fbattlewire 0 40 40 40
fbattle2w3 fbattlewire 40 40 40 40
fbattle2w4 fbattlewire 80 0 40 40
fbattle2w5 fbattlewire 0 0 40 40

This ship is a kitbash of P81's Sovereign and Miranda.
Thanks to Pneumonic81 for his Sovereign model and the excellent textures.
Thanks to Major A Payne for contacting Pneumonic81
Thanks to the ArmadaII modding community for advice and constructive criticism

Thank you for downloading this ship.

You are allowed to include it in your mod.

Version  3.0  Author  Pizza the Hutt  Website   
Downloads  464  Size  2.95 MB  Created  2009-01-05 



#1 thunderfoot006 2009-01-05 04:45
I have been a fan of Pizza the Hut's work from the very first time I came here. This is a treat I did not expect. D/Ling now. Thank you :dance:
#2 HighGuardKnight 2009-01-05 05:38
Nice re-work of the design :-)
#3 exodus_499 2009-01-05 07:27
Nice borg version! But I really don't know about the missing engineering section... I'll have to dl and find out :P
#4 borgannex 2009-01-05 16:04
For some reason I've always liked this ship design,glad to see it has been improved upon! :-)
#5 Doom369 2009-01-06 01:00
This looks like great work. I can't what to DL to my comp.
#6 adc2000974 2009-01-06 19:39
fantastic model
#7 adm_tyler 2009-02-10 08:56
Works great, but the wireframe is screwed.

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