R5D5's Ship Pack R5D5's Ship Pack

(11 votes)
R5D5, 2007-06-13

When you get a ship pack from a developer, you don't really know what to expect. Even with those 'experienced' modders, you can get something you personally don't like, but on the other hand, you can get stuff from modders who don't frequently submit stuff and come out with absolute wonders. Needless to say from that, this is definitely the latter. Contained within are no less then 6 completely new (and one revised) non-canon ships...they all look great. Ranging from your fighters and shuttles to your large test-bed's and heavy cruisers, this pack almost looks as if it's segments within Starfleet. By this, I refer to the insignia's and designs, almost as if they belong to a group (think of Red Squadron and Valiant). Whilst this immediately caught my eye, I realised that it does make a lot of sense. Don't think that these craft are the pleasantries of the Galaxy and Excelsior, these are the Defiant's and Sovereign's of Starfleet and once again, they look great.

Obviously it'd take a long time to individually review 8 ships, but there are general things that definitely should be pointed out. From what I've noticed, they do seem to be relatively balanced with stock. To the degree that the shuttle would get destroyed by a Bird of Prey in no time, whilst the largest craft would handle wtih severeal BoP's at once. Content is all there too. Build button's and wireframes for every craft and admirals pic's (very actiony, you'll see what I mean when you download this, which you will) which is a nice feature and displayed, the poly counts are not very high whatsoever, as in they stick well within stock counts. What does this mean? Well it means that you could, if you wanted to, build hundreds of fighters and shuttles with no loss of quality of gaming, likewise if you wanted fleets of the big cruisers, that'd be no problem. No stone has been left unturned. In fact the only thing I've noticed wrong with this pack is the fact that there isn't a lovely shipyard to go with these, which I think would be utterly appropriate.

To focus on a few of the ships, my personal favourites are the Metropolitan class, labelled as something of a stepping stone before the Ambassador whilst looking very cool and maintaining the fact of being before the better Ambassador class, the Starchaser class is big and bulky and still looks utterly awesome, whilst the Stormrider, the nifty fighter, looks to fit the bill well. Heck, they all look good, no faults with any. This pack also contains instructions as to how to create small variants (eg. carriers) and some new textures for weapons. This is an absolutely brilliant pack and without a doubt worthy of your download. Excellent work on this one.

Thank you for downloading this non-canon Ship-Pack.
Metropolitan Class 977
Hunter Class 815
P-100 "Stormrider" 200
Python Class 448
Starchaser Class 894
Gemini-Type-Shuttle 96
<First BACKUP the files of your STAR TREK: ARMADA II game!>
<First BACKUP the files of your STAR TREK: ARMADA II game!>
<USE AT YOUR OWN RISK>---------<USE AT YOUR OWN RISK> (Everything is tested and should work fine, but... who knows...)

To install the ships in your ARMADA II Game copy the contents of the folders shipped within the pack into their equivalent folders in the ARMADA II directory.
(For example: "ffrigate9-0" into Activision\Star Trek Armada II\Textures\RGB ,
"fhunter" into Activision\Star Trek Armada II\odf\ships ,
Insert into techtree/tech1 and techtree/fulltech under the federation ships:

fmetrop.odf 0
fhunter.odf 0
fi101.odf 0
fi101-1.odf 0
Python.odf 0
fStarCh.odf 0
fshut2TMP.odf 0
gfdronesA.odf 0
Search a station (or stations) to build from under odf/stations and insert:

buildItemX = "fshut2TMP"
buildItemX = "fi101"
buildItemX = "fi101-1"
buildItemX = "fhunter"
buildItemX = "fmetrop"
buildItemX = "Python"
buildItemX = "fStarCh" -->replace the "X" with a number

For example:
//Construction Parameters
buildItem0 = "ffrigate"
buildItem1 = "fgalaxy"
buildItem2 = "fspecial"
buildItem3 = "fbattle"
-->buildItem4 = "fStarCh"
Open the GUI_GLOBAL-file in the Sprites-folder and search:

# Federation build buttons

Insert under @reference=64:

b_python gbpython 0 0 64 64
b_fhunter gbfhunter 0 0 64 64
b_fmetrop gbfmetrop 0 0 64 64
b_fStarCh gbfStarCh 0 0 64 64
b_fshut2TMP gbfshut2TMP 0 0 64 64
b_fi101 gbfi101 0 0 64 64
b_fi101-1 gbfi101-1 0 0 64 64

Search: @reference=128

Insert: b_gfdronesA gfdronesA 0 0 128 128

Scroll down to:

# Federation wireframes

fshut2TMPw1 fshutTMPwire 0 0 128 128
fshut2TMPw2 fshutTMPwire 0 0 128 128
fshut2TMPw3 fshutTMPwire 0 0 128 128
fshut2TMPw4 fshutTMPwire 0 0 128 128
fshut2TMPw5 fshutTMPwire 0 0 128 128

Insert under @reference=256:

pythonw1 fx1wire 0 0 48 48
pythonw2 fx1wire 48 0 48 48
pythonw3 fx1wire 96 0 48 48
pythonw4 fx1wire 144 0 48 48
pythonw5 fx1wire 192 0 48 48
fmetropw1 fx1wire 0 96 48 48
fmetropw2 fx1wire 48 96 48 48
fmetropw3 fx1wire 96 96 48 48
fmetropw4 fx1wire 144 96 48 48
fmetropw5 fx1wire 192 96 48 48
fhunterw1 fx1wire 0 48 48 48
fhunterw2 fx1wire 48 48 48 48
fhunterw3 fx1wire 96 48 48 48
fhunterw4 fx1wire 144 48 48 48
fhunterw5 fx1wire 192 48 48 48
fi101w1 fx1wire 0 144 48 48
fi101w2 fx1wire 48 144 48 48
fi101w3 fx1wire 96 144 48 48
fi101w4 fx1wire 144 144 48 48
fi101w5 fx1wire 192 144 48 48
fi101-1w1 fx1wire 0 144 48 48
fi101-1w2 fx1wire 48 144 48 48
fi101-1w3 fx1wire 96 144 48 48
fi101-1w4 fx1wire 144 144 48 48
fi101-1w5 fx1wire 192 144 48 48
fStarChw1 fx1wire 0 192 48 48
fStarChw2 fx1wire 48 192 48 48
fStarChw3 fx1wire 96 192 48 48
fStarChw4 fx1wire 144 192 48 48
fStarChw5 fx1wire 192 192 48 48
Open the WEAPON-file in the sprites-folder and search:

# New weapons


# the biopulse beam
biopulsebm wbiopulse8 0 0 256 64 @anim=tex1x4

insert here----> fdualphaser1 fdualphaser1 0 0 256 64

scroll down to:


# Federation Pulse phaser
pphaser wpulse 0 0 128 32

insert here----> redpulse1 redpulse1 0 0 128 32
Have fun!

Credits: all stuff by R5D5

Please feel free to use the Ship-Pack or parts of it in your mod. =))


Copyright and Distribution Permissions
Star Trek, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Voyager, Enterprise are copyright by Paramount Pictures.

Version    Author  R5D5  Website   
Downloads  520  Size  6.25 MB  Created  2007-06-13 



#1 DScottHewitt 2007-06-13 11:28

#2 Chiletrek 2007-06-13 17:42

What's better to have a completely new design?, well, to have many new designs!, I like this pack very much and I think it will be a hot download. Keep it up R5D5! I look forward to see more :D

15/10, +5 of much originality :-)
#3 Admiral_Icehawk 2007-06-13 21:22
Its like a Trek remix, I like it.

#4 Doom369 2007-06-14 02:06
I like it too. looks interesting.
#5 r5d5 2007-06-14 03:00
Thanks for all that enormus aplause. It´s always a good feeling, when your work is liked by the comunity. :D

Unfortunatelly, i forget to mention, that the Python Class Supportship isn´t a work of mine. It is a Kitbash of the Intrepid and Galaxy Class stock models. Sorry for that. :roll:
#6 Jetfreak 2007-06-14 07:54
Yahoo! More ships to add to my fleet! Nice Work! A 10/10 from me! :D
#7 scarlatti27 2007-06-19 17:47
Ussually I don't like not cannon, but WOW!!!
#8 Sabertoothed_Catfish 2007-06-21 23:11
These ships are cool! The tiny torpedoes are funny.
#9 Chief_Chainsaw 2008-04-16 14:28
I love the vessels in this pack, particularly the StarChaser-class. Can't wait to see what you put out next.

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