Prometheus Class (MVAM)
Someone order a Federation battlecruiser? Yes sir, it's called the Prometheus, and yes it does come with MVAM.
MVAM you say? Done by AdmiralRyan, this is how the Prometheus should be. With Multi Vector Assault Mode integrated, tanked up with some impressive armour and a bite that will cripple a Negh'Var it's shows the meaner side of Starfleet. Thanks to DocaCola and the FO team, the release of the Patch Project 1.2.5; MVAM and fighter deployment have been realized. This mod uses Deemon's Prometheus Class which is already available here, but obviously the fact you can separate the ship into 3 sub-vessels to pull the ears off of a few Romulans means it is a significant update on the original. The Quality of the model is the same but it's new features are definitely worth the use of bandwidth.
Great work

Prometheus Class
A battlecruiser, one of very few starfleet ships designed solely for combat. It's MVAM feature has been a resounding sucess along with it's armour and heavy weapons payload.
*****Install Instructions*****
You must install the Armada 2 patch project which is avalible from A2Files or
Copy and Paste, copy all the files and folders from the mod, into the main armada 2 directory.
Myself (AdmarilRyan) - Some odf, texture ect work, as well as extensive testing
Bombomadil and Gonwee - bits of code, buttons and Wireframes
Deemon - Model and Textures
Joelteon7 and Major A Payne - Cause these guys always deserve credit
BBOM - Cause it enlightened me in the way of the mod
*****Final Words*****
You may use this as you wish providing full credit is given although it would be nice if you informed myself (AdmarilRyan)
Any problems feel free to contact me by email or windows messenger on
I hope you you enjoy the mod
Version | Author | AdmarilRyan | Website | ||
Downloads | 619 | Size | 1.29 MB | Created | 2008-01-29 |
bout time A2 got 1!.;10508
and YES YES YES - it does! With a few editing of the seperator/intergrating odf files here, it can too! I done so with my game last night and BINGO - it looks so lovely. So, DOUBLE KUDOS to you, AdmarilRyan for making this SO POSSIBLE!
STgamer you have just answered my question about whether this works for other ships, thanks. Now the game will allow any ships to seperate and reintegrate, and not limited to just the prometheus and galaxy classes.
Yes, the seperation and intergration mood will work for another ship(s) that could have that capability, but I have now notice a PROBLEM when the intergration mode is activated: Everytime a ship under ONE specific Registry name(Say 'USS Cat') and once it's seperated then reintergrated back, the ship is now under ANOTHER REGISTRY name(say like 'USS Dog') or whatever the next name comes up. It's not the same ship as it was before. I don't kow if this is fixable(still trying to figure this out), but this was also noticed with the PROMWTHEUS MOD here when I used that one. AdmarilRyan, is this fixable or a 'bug' that you known and couldn't fix as well?