Premonition Mod Premonition Mod

(5 votes)
malte91, 2007-03-23

If I've got this right, this is a basic Sovereign Class, named the Premonition from Armada I. I guess it would be a good hero ship, to go alongside the Enterrpise-E.

- Ash

Copy the premonition.odf file into armada2/odf/ships
Copy the premonition.sod file into armada2/sod
copy ef_named into armada2/odf/other (if you want to build the premonition in the map editor) you must overwrite the old version of the ef_named file.
Copy fpremonition.bmp into armada2/bitmaps/AdmiralsLog/shipimages
copy the fyard2.odf file into armada2/odf/stations (you must overwrite the old shipyard file)[if you have copy other ships to build in the yrad you must writte buildItem (4,5,6 or whta numer come next)]

edit this line into the armada2/techtree/tech1 for the federation ships:

fpremonition.odf 2 fyard2.odf fupgrade.odf // battleship (uss premonition)

if you do this you can build the Uss Premonition with temporals stasis field as special weapon from armada1.
its based on the Enterprise E and look like the enterprise but have other attributs.

if you have questions e-mail to

If you use this program it´s on your own danger.

Version    Author  malte91  Website   
Downloads  348  Size  81.30 KB  Created  2007-03-23 



#1 malte91 2007-03-25 06:59
i have forgot to pu my filefront name in the e-mail so their didn´t stand that this was a mod from me.
#2 Chiletrek 2007-03-25 13:49

Hero units are always needed and are a good sight in battle, specially for you and your allies :-)

Perhaps this not have the model from Armada1, but having a Sovereign with additional goodies can be very needed... and who know, maybe this new unit was the testbed for the technologies present in Captain Demming's starship
#3 malte91 2007-03-27 06:38
thanks to put my name on this file.

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