Peregrine Class Fighter Peregrine Class Fighter

(19 votes)
dan1025, 2008-12-03

One of the many widely appreciated touches of the Dominion War arc in DS9 was the introduction of small-ship combat. The Cardassians had their Hideki class scouts, and on the Federation side were the Peregrine class fighters. To that point, fighter combat in Trek was conjectural, but sources all over the Trek community figured that the Federation would eventually have to work its way up to carriers of some kind. It made sense-- naval combat here on Earth went from ships ramming and boarding each other, to ships gunning for each other, to ships shelling each other, to ships launching smaller craft to drop bombs and torpedoes and things against each other. Why not the same thing in Starfleet?

The Peregrine fighter design you see here is a wonderful example of that design. With its twin-boom tail and distinctive diamond shape, the Peregrine is reminiscent of WWII-era fighters like the P-38 Lighting and P-61 Black Widow. This mod by Dan1025 (one of many this week from that incredible modder) includes everything you need to add the Peregrine to your game, right down to the weapons and wireframe, the buildbutton and the Borg textures. (Actually, the Borg version looks particularly menacing, although why or how the Collective would assimilate a simple fighter when they could grab a whole carrier is a good question.)

Definitely worthy of a download.


There's never really been a good quality Peregrine Class fighter available for A2, I've always liked Zorgs one so I decided to poly reduce and convert it :)

Included in this mod are:

SOD file
Ship textures
Borg textures
Ship ODF
Weapon ODF's
AdmiralsLog picture


Installation Instructions:

1. Place "fed_peregrine.sod" into the Activision/Star Trek Armada II/SOD folder.
2. Place all files found in the RGB folder into the Activision/Star Trek Armada II/Textures/RGB folder.
3. Place the ODF files found in the ships folder into the Activision/Star Trek Armada II/odf/ships folder.
4. Place the ODF files found in the pulse folder into the Activision/Star Trek Armada II/odf/weapons/pulse folder.
5. Place the "fed_peregrine.bmp" file found in the ShipImages folder into the Activision/Star Trek Armada II/bitmaps/AdmiralsLog/ShipImages folder.
6. Find the file named "gui_global.spr" found in the Activision/Star Trek Armada II/Sprites folder and open it (use notepad).

Search for where it says:

"Federation build buttons"

and underneath where it says:



b_fed_peregrine GBfed_peregrine 0 0 64 64

Now search for where it says:

"Federation Wireframes"

and underneath where it says:



fed_peregrinew1 WFfed_peregrine 0 0 64 64
fed_peregrinew2 WFfed_peregrine 0 0 64 64
fed_peregrinew3 WFfed_peregrine 0 0 64 64
fed_peregrinew4 WFfed_peregrine 0 0 64 64
fed_peregrinew5 WFfed_peregrine 0 0 64 64

Save and close the file.

7. Find the file named "" in the Activision/Star Trek Armada II/techtree folder and open it (use notepad).

Underneath where it says:

"Federation Ships"


fed_peregrine.odf 0

Save and close the file.

8. Find the file named "" in the Activision/Star Trek Armada II/techtree folder and open it (use notepad).

At the top of the file add:

fed_peregrine.odf 0

Save and close the file.

9. Open the name of whatever station you want to add the ship to as a buildable item (if any).

Add at the bottom of the list of buildable items:

buildItemXX = "fed_peregrine" (where XX is the number after the last one on the list).

Save and close the file.


Credits & Thanks:

Model & Textures - Zorg

A big thanks to Activision for releasing this game and giving us all something fun to mod and improve upon :)

If you want to use this mod for something you plan to release, please e-mail me for permission at:

Hope you enjoy the mod! :)

Version    Author  dan1025  Website   
Downloads  663  Size  1.99 MB  Created  2008-12-03 



#11 PreciousRoy 2008-12-05 22:40
The Nacelles! The colors peeking out of the gray panels! Really love this version, Dan, congratulations!
#12 Chiletrek 2008-12-07 12:53

This ship looks very good! I am eager to try it ingame.

Keep up the great work! Rock

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