Nova Class Nova Class

(4 votes)
Transmission, 2008-01-29

This is a nice looking model of the Nova class, of ST:VOY "Equinox" and "Timeless" fame. Ash has fitted her out rather nicely, with the sorts of armaments you'd expect on a science / scout vessel.

However, I suppose that he's simply assumed that by now everyone has the finer details of the Federation (build button, wireframe, admiral's log pic) because not only does this lack for those, but the readme has no sprite / techtree entries to show you how if you don't know. If you didn't know, you better find somebody who does. And fast.

Nice ship. Nice textures. No details. I've come to believe that we at A2Files have a right to expect it ALL to be done right. And that's really the only fault I can find.

Download this one as soon as you can.



Nova Class Science Ship


Original Model Concept: Rick Sternbach

Oriignal Mesh Creation: Luan "Red Dragon" Ngo
Original Mesh Textures: Luan "Red Dragon" Ngo

Conversion of Mesh: Tycoon (this would be me)
- converted from .3DS to .SOD
- removal of non essential parts (some mesh parts could have been done without, so I took them away - saves on the poly count)

Texture Modifications: Tycoon (this would be me)
- reduced texture sets (combined original texture sets for A2 friendly use)


Files Included:

.TXT File(s) x1
.JPG File(s) x3
.ODF File(s) x1
.SOD File(s) x1
.TGA File(s) x4


Authors Notes:

* The poly count for this model stands at 1648.
* There are four 512x512 texture sets for use with this model.

* Users of this file / ship will have to add it into the game themselves.
* This file is without the game essentials. Build Buttons, Wireframes, Admirals Log Image are not included.
* sprites and tech tree allocations have not been done either. Users will have to complete this themselves.

* Ask if you'd like to use this in a project. I'd rather people not assume they can do as they please.


Contact Details:

Name: Ashley "Tycoon" Stephens


Version    Author  Transmission  Website   
Downloads  777  Size  1.45 MB  Created  2008-01-29 



#1 Majest 2008-01-29 19:41
I think the finer stuff like buildbuttons aren't required for a release and really shouldn't be expected. At least that is how I look at it.

Ash has done the hard yards by getting the model (Converted to SOD and no doubt poly reduced) and textures done.

A blind monkey can pretty much make a buildbutton and Adm log pic and as for a wireframe there are tutorials and many other mods out there with a Nova wireframe. So it ain't a big draw back by any means and many I believe make their own anyway to match the rest of their fleet or gui they are using. Well thats me over with, just adding my two bobs worth.

Hey Ash, I am assuming all these releases are models no longer in ZH?
#2 dan1025 2008-01-29 23:54
Very nice model and textures :-)
#3 Doom369 2008-01-30 00:00
It looks good.
#4 AdmarilRyan 2008-01-30 08:36
If it bothers anyone just download another nova and use the buildbuttons and wireframes from it.

If you don't know how to add this to your game, then ask on the forums and learn the basics of adding ships.

However you essentially need the following:

ODF file (ship specification)

SOD file (model)

TGA files (textures, buildbutton, wireframe)

BMP file (admiral's log picture)

Entry in and

(these are techtrees.

Just putting:

fnova.odf 0

in both of them under the fed ships is sufficent

Entry in shipyard, just carry on the list in this sorta format:

buildItem4 = "fcruise1"

gui_global entries:

these are far more complicated, if you take a wireframe and build button from another nova, use the instructions from that one, but ensure that each line starts with fnova

Now I've got to rush off to a parents evening at school so I can't go into further details now, but I hope that helps.
#5 Starblade. 2008-01-30 14:02
It bothers me precisely because, as Majest points out, anyone can do it. So why not do it before you release the mod for those people who can't?

I can't make a wireframe or buildbutton because I don't have a .TGA editing program. Nor can I make an .ODF file because I have no way to see hardpoints.

It may seem like a "why are we bothering to nag about this" issue to those of you who've been around, but for someone who's just downloading the demo or otherwise, it's NOT complete on its own. It has to stand alone or I'm going to fault it for not doing so.

As Counsellor Troi put it, "so don't go criticizing my moderating technique!"


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