Norway Class
Love the Norway class. It's so brilliantly unconventional. Along with the other STFC-first-appearance designs, it doesn't look like a traditional Starfleet vessel, and yet it's also the most rarely seen (having only appeared once due to a loss of the CGI model).
Designed as an alternative to the Achilles Class. The Norway is specifically used for quick assault runs, and whilst not as heavily armoured, nor as durable as the Achilles, the Norway is considerably cheaper to build, requiring less resources and production time.
Whether you're looking for a replacement for an older Norway, or just something else to add to the canon ranks, your wishbone has come true.
Download this one right now.

Norway Class Light Cruiser
Included model and textures originally designed by Rick "P81" Knox. Reduced Mesh by Major A Payne for BI:VR.
Partial rework (futher mesh reduction), and edit of textures by me (Aerilon) - formerly known by SupaStarAsh, Tycoon, Transmission etc..
Wireframe and Build Button taken from old Norway release, and would be credited to Deemon.
Designed as an alternative to the Achilles Class. The Norway is specifically used for quick assault runs, and whilst not as heavily armoured, nor as durable as the Achilles, the Norway is considerably cheaper to build, requiring less resources and production time.
copy all tga-files into your textures/rgb folder
copy all odf-files into your odf/ships folder
copy all sod-files into your sod folder
copy all bmp-files into your bitmaps/admiralslog/shipimages folder
- open up your from the techtree folder
add the following line at the bottom of your federation side:
fnorway.odf 0
- open your fyard.odf from odfstations folder
and add following line under your build-item section..
builditemXX = "fnorway" (replace XX with slot-number you want to build at )
- open your gui_global.spr from your sprites folder
go to federation buildbutton-section and add
b_fnorway gbfnorway 0 0 64 64
# Wireframes
# ----------
# Ship Wireframes
following lines:
fnorwayw1 fedwireframe10 0 48 48 48
fnorwayw2 fedwireframe10 48 48 48 48
fnorwayw3 fedwireframe10 96 48 48 48
fnorwayw4 fedwireframe10 144 48 48 48
fnorwayw5 fedwireframe10 192 48 48 48
If you would like to use this in a project, ask first. I can be contacted on
Version | Author | Aerilon | Website | ||
Downloads | 453 | Size | 996.64 KB | Created | 2009-12-11 |