Nimrod class
Some people like their Starfleet vessels with four nacelles, like the Prometheus class. Others prefer two, but like a sleek and dangerous looking vessel like the Akira class. For a long time, it's been hard to please these two sections of the community..... but today Aad Moerman gives us his latest design, the Nimrod, which promises to have something for both.
Combining no less than a full quartet of Sovereign nacelles into a modified Akira frame intended to hold 'em, and with a little story to explain the situation, the Nimrod class looks and plays with the combination of beauty and power that one expects of any good Starfleet vessel. She's a proper lioness in that she's got teeth as well, including new weapons .ODFs based on stock and included by Aad Moerman for your modding enjoyment. There's also a full set of in-game details to suit.
The Nimrod class gives a new meaning to the term "best of both worlds" and commends itself to be downloaded, by you, as soon as possible.
Installation instructions. First make a backup, just in case
Put the sod file into the sod folder. Put the fnimrod ODF file into the ODF ship folder.
Open te weapons ODF folder --> open the Phasers folder and put the fnimphas and fnimphaso files in the folder.
Now open the Photons folder and put the fnimphot, the fnimphotono files in the folder.
Put the tga into the texture RGB folder. ( I include the MS3D files for those who are interested.)
Open Bitmaps --> open Admiralslog --> open ShipImages and put the image there.
Open techtree file
under Federation ships add:
fnimrod.odf 2 fyard2.odf fupgrade.odf // heavy battleship (Nimrod class)
add under Federation:
fnimrod.odf 0
Open Sprites --> open gui_global
# Federation build buttons
add below that list:
b_fnimrod gbfnimrod 0 0 64 64
# Federation wireframes
@reference=128 (if not present, just add the reference)
add below that list:
fnimrodw1 wffnimrod 0 0 128 128
Open ODF-folder --> open station folder
open fyard2
add under the list of builditems
buildItemXx = "fnimrod" ( The X stands for the next number on the list)
That's it!
Version | Author | Aad Moerman | Website | ||
Downloads | 609 | Size | 3.04 MB | Created | 2009-03-02 |
Good ship. 7/10.
The ship looks quite nice! 9/10
Ah, here we are:
USS Voyager-A,;36771
Akira Refit,;68252
And espcially the Starfinder Class,;68077
(Just flexing my archivist muscles there
I think we can agree this is the best yet!
This is a worthy ship to add into your game!!!