New Orleans Class re-texture New Orleans Class re-texture

(6 votes)
Jetfreak, 2008-01-21

Not only does this represent a do-over for an old model, it looks GREAT! Jetfreak has done it again.

Also now balanced to stock.


- the Kid

Deemon's New Orleans Class

- Another resurrected old model, this is Deemon's New Orleans Class. I have given her a retexture and this is a re-release of the ship. This was originally available at AFC and Ghost's Complilation Mod.

- One of my favorite New Orleans models, Deemon's version is low poly but is much "sleeker" than other models. No offense to other modelers though.

- This ship is balanced to Stock specs. but you can change the odf to match your personal mods.

- Borg Textures and a new buildbutton been provided, but no wireframe. I suggest you use the one from Ghost's mod instead.


Original Model: Deemon
New Textures: Rick Knox for most of the hull parts and Scotchy for the Deflector dish texture
Borgified Parts: Scanned from the Star Trek: The Next Generation Sketch Book

Special Thanks to:
Dan1025 - He added an alpha to the textures.

New Orleans Class Brief History:

Introduced: 2350's
Ship type: Frigate
Length: 340m.
Major Conflits fought: The Battle of Wolf 359 (2366) and the Dominion War (2374-2375)

Essentially a smaller counterpart to the Galaxy and Nebula Class, the New Orleans is a versatile multi-mission frigate equipped with advanced defensive and propulsion systems.
Her numerous torpedo bays were used as a testbed for the then experimental Quantum Torpedo. It also give her an immense advantage in combat. Over the years, the ship class
has proved quite durable thanks to her compact design. The ship also has many components shared from the Galaxy Class.

Notable Ships:
USS New Orleans NX/NCC-65450
USS Kyushu NCC-65491
USS Renegade NCC-63102
USS Rutledge NCC-57295
USS Thomas Paine NCC-65530


To install: (Remember to backup)

1) Open the SOD Folder and put the fneworleans.sod in the folder

2) Open the odf/ships Folder and put the fneworleans.odf in the folder

3) Open the bitmaps/admiralslog/shipimages Folder and put the fneworleans.bmp in the folder

4) Open the Textures/RGB Folder and all TGA files in the folder

5) Open located in the techtree folder and add the following line:
fneworleans.odf 2 fyard.odf fresear.odf

6) Open located in the techtree folder and add the following line:
fneworleans.odf 0

7) Open gui_global.spr located in the sprites folder and add the following line:
b_fneworleans gbfneworleans 0 0 64 64

8) Open the odf/stations folder, open fyard.odf and add the following line:
add under the list of builditems

buildItemX = "fneworleans" ( The X stands for the next number on the list)

That's it! Engage!
You can also use this ship in any mod, just give the proper credits.

- Jetfreak

Version    Author  Jetfreak  Website   
Downloads  646  Size  2.95 MB  Created  2008-01-21 



#1 HMS_Frontier 2008-01-23 03:48
Nice retexture the new orleans has alll ways been one of my favorete ships good work Jetfreak on this and you other rextutures.
#2 Doom369 2008-01-23 11:53
I have this ship in my game with the original texture and it has no flaws. but this looks good.
#3 gechusum 2008-01-24 16:40
the particular files are not letting me add the information (i.e. builditem8 = fneworleans). I can open it in notepad and add the line but i can't save it. i guess a "modding for dummies" style intruction would be awsome. This is my first attempt at adding a mod to any game i have so any help would be greatly appreciated.
#4 shadow_from_afc 2008-01-25 01:45
To #3: Welcome to the club.

First of all: All files that come with the game are write protected. If you want to add something go to the properties of that file (in Windows Explorer) and change the attribute to write enabled.

I also recommend that you get Westworlds Big Book of Modding;8835

It will save you from a lot of headaches.
#5 insert_name_heer 2008-01-26 06:39
@#3, save to your desktop, then move the file to the correct folder, and as shadow said, Westworld's Big Book of Modding is really helpfull, it will teach you everything a beginning modder will nead to know :D
#6 charlesb924 2008-02-09 13:39
this is alot better than the original

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