New Defiant
New Defiant, new model and textures and more powerful

Nice addition to anyones fleet.
the new defiant by wrath of khan.
its a smooth running ship so you wont have any trouble with gameplay. there will be texture updates....if im not too lazy.
brand new model and textures by wrath of khan.
Version | Author | wrath of khan | Website | ||
Downloads | 829 | Size | 352.39 KB | Created | 2005-07-18 |
An interesting diversion from the normal defiant styling and whilst I dont' much like the texture, there will be a few who do. As for the poly count, I would give advice to sort it out and make it around 1500. The main shell of the model is fine. Its the detail mesh parts that have cause this models poly o***** to go through the roof (so to speak).
Finally it seems that the concept of giving installation instructions has been lost here. I assume it wont' be long before those who dont' mod complain.
I can't really see any lag, unless I got 100 of these out. This certianly a new take on the Defiant design.
as for the textures, while i appreciate criticism, pain, id much more appreciate if u tell me how you think i could improve on the texture of this ship. at least how you think youd make it better. but thats the artistic pov. if u could show me, all the better.
ive got a much better model in the works, about half done. and half the poly. itll look nothign like this one, since i dont like making the exact same thing twice (thats no fun).
and since im lazy to write readme's , aside from bugs (there are none at all) i doubt anyone would complain, and if they do, i highly doubt my model is the only ship they are gonna download from this site, spo htey can figure it out from looking at another ship's readme. installation is a real easy thing to learn.
i culda sworn i sent a screenshot. ow well, ill send one in .