Neutron Class Missing Textures Neutron Class Missing Textures

(2 votes)
HMS_Frontier, 2007-08-19

This simply adds missing textures to the Neutron Class V2. Smile

- TParis

Missing Textures place in texutures/rgb folder

Version    Author  HMS_Frontier  Website   
Downloads  167  Size  99.68 KB  Created  2007-08-19 



#1 TParis 2007-08-19 04:23
I will upload the fixed version of the Neutron class later... there are still some files waiting but couldnt upload them earlier as i got some problem that had to be fixed
#2 STGamerNew2002 2007-08-19 09:24
I'm sorry to say this but like HOW MANY TIMES this particular MOD has 'something missing' that it has to be posted? HMS_Frontier, as much I admire your work on this mod here, it's just seems that someone didn't FULLY 'checked on it's COMPLETION" of this mod. Yeah, some 'mistakes' are made, but with all these 'missing file patches'....should of asked 'Mr. Data' to do a FULL DIANOSTIC of this mod :o
#3 STGamerNew2002 2007-08-19 09:32
OK, AGAIN this mod is having PROBLEMS with it: the both side Upper Pylons are OFF in white-balance shading texture from Max-3D sod.....I've really just GIVEN UP on having this mod - sorry! Yucky
#4 HMS_Frontier 2007-08-19 10:23
To STGamerNew2002 the first version of this ship was released with out odf files this is not fault but choice but the textures did look bad I admit so I corrected them with help from Beginners comment but the secound version was to add ad an odf files and alike for pepole who cant create them them self it was only after the second version was added I new the a texture was missing as it was not missing my game only in the submited version so I send it in and the eninges textures I can not currently correct so it will have to be taken the desinge of the ship.

PS: This was not even ment to be a seperate file to dowload but merged with version 2 this is what TParis is talking about in the first post (not having ago at the staff or any thing I now that your buisy just giving STGamerNew2002 all the facts)
#5 theStarfleetKid 2007-08-20 07:24
Regardless of how busy the staff is, STGamerNew2002 has a legitimate point, one the staff routinely make in their description of new mods: submit the whole thing right the first time, complete, with everything an Armada modder needs, right down to the wireframe and admiral's log picture. "Everything" typically includes all textures.

I know you're probably very anxious to see new content out there, HMS_Frontier, but never sacrifice quality mod work for ANY reason. And sometimes it's just as important to package up a .zip or .rar complete as it is to build a quality ship in the first place. You've come a long way so far-- just learn from this and keep making the contributions you've been making to the community. 8)
#6 HMS_Frontier 2007-08-20 07:58
I see your point and the first version was incompelte but i had no idea that this texuture was missing til it was pointed out to me and I dont know how to make wireframes
#7 IKS_Yo_Mama 2007-08-20 08:30
I have to disagree, as far as we are concerned the submission is what the author/modder wishes, annoying as it is it still up to the modder to include the proper material. We cannot refuse the upload on the grounds of being unfinished - if it breaches the rules then we can refuse to upload it, if it doesn't then we shouldn't refuse to be fair. It is entirely the modder/author's responsibility to see that his/her work is finished.. How many times have you downloaded a file anywhere on the network that has crashed your game or hasn't worked?, well it is the modder's responsibilty to ensure that the file is working and complete, it only antagonizes people if the mod is incomplete or buggy.

Merging files in OPS is not an easy task.. Trust me, I've tried it before and it's messy. Again, I have to stress, it is the modder's responsibility to check their work before submitting it - you all know this, this is how it has been happening for the last 5 years, why should it be up to the staff to check if their file is complete? We only check it to see what it looks like ingame and if it has any bugs or errors.

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