Nebula Variants Nebula Variants

(15 votes)
Epytron Omega, 2006-05-21

An extremely creative addition from EO here.

We are all aware of the Nebula Class from the stock game, what some of us may not know however is that there are three Nebula Variants. These being as follows:

  • Phoenix Variant (this being the USS Phoenix from TNG).
  • Bonchune / Farragut / Sutherland Variant (this being the "General Nebula") - such as those seen in DS9 & Message In A Bottle.
  • Melbourne Variant (though not the official name, this is often what it is refurred to as).

    Anyway, with the addition of an extra Variant created by EO himself, the other two have been seen and are to make a nice addition to the game. This also comes with a handy auto-installer.

    - SSA

    *Note: Some screenshots borrowed from Forum Images due to better quality. Hope you don't mind EO Wink

  • Nebula Installer Readme.

    The Nebula installer was created by me, Epytron Omega, and it is a simple point and click install.

    No uninstaller, however, so simply remove all files related the the Melborne, Pheonix, and Neutron.

    sorry for such a short readme,

    but if you have any problems, direct them to dauntless01aATgmailDOTcom.

    Version    Author  Epytron Omega  Website   
    Downloads  1,548  Size  1.11 MB  Created  2006-05-21 



    #11 Epytron_Omega 2006-05-24 11:01
    Ladies and Gentlemen,

    I apologize for releasing a faulty mod, usually I make every attempt for it to be correct the first time, but being that I was up for about 30 hours straight when I released it, I wasnt thinking. At the moment I am fixing the special weapons problems on the Pheonix, and going to look into the Melbornes problems as well, as for the different SOD to ODF names, it shouldnt be effecting it, I am running it as that and they work fine, minus the small difficulties, but for everyones pleasure I will re arrange the files to match. Also, on a side note, for those who usually skip through the install readmes and such, cause I do it as well, please delete all files that I list here, it will make the texture look tones better: fspeciala_1 fspeciala_b_1 fspeciala_2 fspeciala_b_2. this will make the model use only one texture, the good looking one. Hope this helps some of your problems till I get the corrected version completed.

    #12 starcat45532 2006-08-16 09:27
    every time one of the ships comes out the game crashes to the desktop and my computer is powerful enough that it shouldn't happen Why is this happening!?
    #13 MarcusValliant 2006-12-25 20:57
    It happens because the special weapons odf files aren't in the download. You have to remove them from the ship's odf file to get it to work.
    #14 Wheller 2007-04-13 19:15
    ok so after i changed the SOD names to the ODF names all the ships just came out as error boxes (the box with a bug ion it when your missing an SOD) how do i fix this?

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