Nautiluss Class
An interesting design, this ship is definetly worth a download

Nautiluss Class For Armada II By VT1032
#################### BETA ##############################
About the Ship
This Ship is a rebuild of the Nautiluss Class by Tachy.
I got permission by the web master of
Mr.Andrew J.H. because Tachy is missing.
Mesh by Cyrille, Tachy, Lefevre. (Great job!!!)
And if U want see great artists like this ...go to :
Unzip into the main Armada II directory. If your game is already
heavily modded, then copy
into the odf\\ship directory and
gbfnauti.tga and the others tga files
into the textures\\rgb directory
copy the following lines into the in the techtree directory
fnauti.odf 0
These lines into gui_global.spr
b_fnauti gbfnauti 0 0 64 64
under where it says:
# Federation build buttons
And these lines into gui_global.spr
fnautiw1 fbxw02 0 0 128 128
under where it says:
# Federation wireframes
If you have any questions of comments please send them to
Original 3d MAX creators
Cyrille \'Tachy\' Lefevre
Site :
Sod rebuild
Please if I lost some one sorry !!!
Have a god play
Version | Author | vt1032 | Website | ||
Downloads | 1,783 | Size | 1.10 MB | Created | 2002-09-03 |
I think that the problem is in the wireframes, because you only put:
fnautiw1 fbxw02 0 0 128 128
ie, only one line instead the 5 habitual lines.
Please put the rest so i can play with this good ship...
Good luck!
To fix this, either find the missing physics file (hard to do but not impossible) or replace it with "sbattphys.odf" or any other physics file included with the original game.
The reason for the one wireframe line is because it is based on a picture rather than a set of 5 pictures depicting each major system. Borg Incursion and the BOTF mods use a similar wireframe system and there is not any known associated problem with this method.