Legacy Class (also for demo) Legacy Class (also for demo)

(1 vote)
Thermal_Nuclear_Chicken, 2011-01-13

This is an original design that I was going to submit to Star Trek Online's Design the Next Enterprise contest, but since I'm under 21 I'm not eligible.

This design combines design aspects from the Prometheus, Intrepid, and Akira designs. It is slightly stronger than the Sovereign class, takes longer to build, costs more resources, and has an additional torpedo.

The weapons hardpoints are named according to their function (see readme)

Legacy Class Dreadnought for Armada 2 and Armada 2 Demo

These instructions are broken into four parts:
- Instructions that apply no matter what installation you have
- Additional instructions for the Demo
- Additional instructions for the Full Stock Installation
- Additional instructions for a game patched with 1.2.5

You MUST follow the All Installations instructions first!
All Installations Instructions:

1. Unzip the BMP file in the BMP folder to /bitmaps/Admirals Log/Ship Images

2. Unzip the SOD file in the SOD folder to /SOD

3. Unzip the TGA files in the TGA folder to /Textures/RGB

4. Go to the 'sprites' folder

5. Open up 'gui_global.spr'

6. Find the following line:

b_fspecial gbfspecial 0 0 64 64

7. Below that line, add the following line:

b_flegacy gbflegacy 0 0 64 64

8. Go to the 'ODF/Stations' folder

9. Open up 'fyard2.odf'

10. Find the following line:

buildItem3 = "fbattle"

11. Below that line, add the following line:

buildItemXX = "flegacy"

Where XX is the next number in the build list (If you are installing it onto an unmodded installation, XX = 4).

Additional Demo Instructions:

1. Extract the ODF file in the ODF folder to /ODF/stations

2. Go to the 'techtree' folder

3. Open up 'demotech.tt'

4. Find the following line:

fspecial.odf 2 fyard2.odf fresear2.odf // special (nebula class)

5. Below this line, add the following line:

flegacy.odf 0

6. Enjoy the new ship!
Additional Full Game Instructions:

1. Extract the ODF file in the ODF folder to /ODF/ships

2. Go to the 'techtree' folder

3. Open up 'fulltech.tt'

4. Find the following line:

fgalaxy.odf 0

5. After this line, add the following line:

flegacy.odf 0

6. Open up 'tech1.tt'

7. Find the Federation Ships list

8. Add the following line to the end of that list:

flegacy.odf 0

9. Enjoy the new ship!
Additional 1.2.5 Instructions:

1. Follow the instructions for the Full Game installation but stay in the 'sprites' folder

2. Open up 'earlytech.tt'

3. Find the Federation Ships Build List

4. Add the following line to the end of the list:

flegacy.odf 0

5. Enjoy the new ship!
Important note about adding new weapons:

The hardpoints on this ship do not follow the conventional naming strategy of other ships (that being hp01, hp02, hp03...). Instead, the hardpoints for the phasers and torpedoes are named for their specific functions. Phasers are named phas01, phas02, phas03.... and torpedoes are named torp01, torp02, torp03, and torp04. There are 49 phaser hardpoints and 4 torpedo hardpoints.


Original Model, Armada 2 Model, Textures, ODF, Build Button, and Admirals Log Pic: Thermal_Nuclear_Chicken

If you have problems, you can email me at dvainwebbcity(AT)gmail(DOT)com and I will try to help you.

I do give permission to use this ship in any mods as long as you give me email notification (above address) and credit.


Version    Author  Thermal_Nuclear_Chicken  Website   
Downloads  300  Size  355.68 KB  Created  2011-01-13 



#1 Majestic_MSFC 2011-01-13 17:21
I know how you feel, because I'm not in the US I am in the same boat as you.
#2 k_merse 2011-01-14 02:51
Very interesting design. Better textures would be advisable, but still it looks cool :thumbsup:
#3 Omega_Mod_God 2011-01-15 19:05
I might add this... but I kinda already have the name legacy class taken in my mod. So I'll have to rename it.... XD

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