Incursion Class - Modified Defiant
We've seen this one before. The USS Incursion was a prominent hero ship in A1 that remained in the game's software (but not actually in the game) when A2 was released. Jasoneagle has packaged everything you'll need to have it work in-game, and modifed the weapons load to better suit the role of the vessel as an advanced starship in the Federation ranks.
Worth a look. Some good .ODF work here.

Incursion Class
This "Mod" Adds the Incursion Class to the Game as a Buildable Ship.
This Mod was made using nothing but Stock Models and Following the Path for adding a Ship in Westworld�s Big Book of Modding. Although this is not my First Mod this is the First that I have released and is slated to be included in a New Mod That I am Planning, (Titled "The Price of Peace")
Though someone can add the class easily to the game, I have not only made it buildable but have changed some of its weapons to better suit the Fact that this was an Advanced Federation ship, I have given this Class the Anti-Matter Mines of the Defiant Class as well as the Enterprises Torps.
To add to the Game just follow these steps:
1: Place Odf in the Odf/ships folder
2: Open and files and add the Following Lines:
finclass.odf 0 //Incursion Class (
finclass.odf 2 fyard.odf fresear.odf //Incursion Class (this will make the Incursion Class Require the Federation Shipyard as well as the Federation Research Station.)(To have buildable from the start just add the same from to
3: Open gui_global.spr (in the Sprites Folder) and add:
b_fincursion gbfinclass 0 0 64 64
After @reference=64 in the Federation Build Button Section.
4: add the gbfinclass.tga to the Textures/RGB folder
5: Open the Station you want to construct the Ship (I used fyard2.odf as the ship is a Modified Defiant and advanced weapons are added, you can Use either shipyard or even the Star base to build this ship)
Add: buildItemX = "finclass" (where x is the Location in the Build list you want the ship to appear remember to renumber if you add it before a different ship.)
6: No Sod or Admirals Pic Included as they where included with the Game.
If anyone wants to Use the Odf no permission is needed from me, Just remember the Content Rules set forth by the Game Devs as well as The Community, as I did not Either Make the Model or Textures, I only Edited the Odf and Added it as a Class I hold not Ownership to this ship or class.
Odf (modification), Build button - Jasoneagle (Me)
Model, Textures, Wireframe, Etc - A2 Dev Team
Instruction on adding ships to game and Odf Editing - Westworlds Big Book of Modding.
Version | Author | Jasoneagle | Website | ||
Downloads | 218 | Size | 13.76 KB | Created | 2009-04-26 |
That is a hell of a thing to say to me.
I crossed the Incursion with the Avenger in my head when I did the original review. My mistake on that one.