Galaxy-X Class
A Galaxy-X Class Command Cruiser for Fleet Operations, complete with a Magnan Phaser Cannon. As it is equipt with the Magnan Phaser like the Phalanx, is it a Risner-exclusive avatar unit with a build limit of 4.
A set of alternate textures are included with regitration numbers included.
Open folders 'AIAIPs':
Open 'unitedfederation_instant_action_build_list.aip' and find the following line:
//Military Phase 3
add in the section 'Military Phase 3', and before 'Expansion 2':
"fed_galaxyxr5", 2,0, -1, 0,
Open folders 'odf/system':
Open 'all_cap_veteran.odf' and add the following lines:
fleetcapclassXX = "fed_galaxyxr6"
fleetcapclassXXcapvalue = 9
XX = the number 1 higher than the last in the list.
Open 'all_veteran9.odf' and add the following lines:
replacementXXcondition = "fed_galaxyxr5"
replacementXXclass0 = "fed_galaxyxr6"
XX = the number 1 higher than the last in the list.
Open 'edit_federation_vesselsY2.odf' and add the following lines:
itemXX = "fed_galaxyx.odf"
XX = the number 1 higher than the last in the list.
Open 'fed_eraudi_yardY.odf' and add the following lines:
buildItemXX = "fed_galaxyx"
replace it with:
XX = the number 1 higher than the last in the list, preferrably between the Phalanx and Ally Repair.
Open all fighter odfs (such as 'fed_avalonF.odf') and find the following lines:
supplyclasses = 0
add beeath it:
"fed_galaxyx.odf" 1
"fed_galaxyxr2.odf" 1
"fed_galaxyxr3.odf" 1
"fed_galaxyxr4.odf" 1
"fed_galaxyxr5.odf" 1
"fed_galaxyxr6.odf" 1
Open folders 'Sprites':
Open 'miniimages.spr' and find the following line:
fed_galaxyw1 miniimages1 384 128 128 128
add beneath it:
fed_galaxyx_si systembackgrounds13 512 256 512 128
Open 'systembackgrounds.spr' and find the following line:
fed_galaxy_si systembackgrounds2 512 0 512 128
add beneath it:
fed_galaxyxw1 miniimages4 768 0 128 128
Open 'gui_global.spr' and find the following line:
b_fed_galaxy all_interface_buildbuttons02 0 208 96 96 # 1 3
add beneath it:
b_fed_galaxyx all_interface_buildbuttons13 208 104 96 96 # 3 1
Open folder 'Datatechtree':
Open 'tech1' and find the following:
fed_phalanx.odf 1 fedU_chassis3Y.odf
add beneath it:
fed_galaxyx.odf 1 fedU_chassis3Y.odf
Open 'freetech' and find the following:
fed_phalanx.odf 0
add beneath it:
fed_galaxyx.odf 0
Open main folder (Star Trek Armada II Fleet OperationsData):
Open 'Dynamic_Localized_Strings' and find the following entry:
"AUTOTOOLTIP-fed_eraudi_yardY.odf", "
Offensive Value
Â� Â� Defensive Value
�� System Value
� Yard
� Repair Dock
Excelsior-II Class
Remore Class
Avalon Class
Defiant Class
Sovereign Class
Phalanx Class
replace it with:
"AUTOTOOLTIP-fed_eraudi_yardY.odf", "
Offensive Value
Â� Â� Defensive Value
�� System Value
� Yard
� Repair Dock
Excelsior-II Class
Remore Class
Avalon Class
Defiant Class
Sovereign Class
Galaxy-X Class
Phalanx Class
Open 'Dynamic_Localized_Strings' and find the following entry:
"AUTOTOOLTIP-fed_galaxyr6.odf", "
�� Offensive Value
Â�Â� Defensive Value
� System Value
Weapon range: Medium
� Offensive Value increased by 3
� System Value increased by 4
� Supports Starfleet fighters
add beneath it:
"AUTOTOOLTIP-fed_galaxyx.odf", "
�� Offensive Value
ÂÂ� Defensive Value
Â�¾ System Value
Weapon range: Medium
� Offensive Value increased by 3
� System Value increased by 4
� Supports Starfleet fighters
"AUTOTOOLTIP-fed_galaxyxr2.odf", "
�� Offensive Value
ÂÂ Defensive Value
Â�¾ System Value
Weapon range: Medium
� Offensive Value increased by 3
� System Value increased by 4
� Supports Starfleet fighters
"AUTOTOOLTIP-fed_galaxyxr3.odf", "
�� Offensive Value
¾ Defensive Value
Â�¾ System Value
Weapon range: Medium
� Offensive Value increased by 3
� System Value increased by 4
� Supports Starfleet fighters
"AUTOTOOLTIP-fed_galaxyxr4.odf", "
�� Offensive Value
¾¾ Defensive Value
Â�¾ System Value
Weapon range: Medium
� Offensive Value increased by 3
� System Value increased by 4
� Supports Starfleet fighters
"AUTOTOOLTIP-fed_galaxyxr5.odf", "
Â� Offensive Value
Ã� Defensive Value
Â�¾ System Value
Weapon range: Medium
� Offensive Value increased by 3
� System Value increased by 4
� Supports Starfleet fighters
"AUTOTOOLTIP-fed_galaxyxr6.odf", "
�� Offensive Value
Â�Â� Defensive Value
� System Value
Weapon range: Medium
� Offensive Value increased by 3
� System Value increased by 4
� Supports Starfleet fighters
Version | for FleetOps | Author | adm_tyler | Website | |
Downloads | 944 | Size | 3.85 MB | Created | 2011-01-16 |