Galaxy-X Class Galaxy-X Class

(2 votes)
adm_tyler, 2011-01-16

A Galaxy-X Class Command Cruiser for Fleet Operations, complete with a Magnan Phaser Cannon. As it is equipt with the Magnan Phaser like the Phalanx, is it a Risner-exclusive avatar unit with a build limit of 4.

A set of alternate textures are included with regitration numbers included.

Open folders 'AIAIPs':

Open 'unitedfederation_instant_action_build_list.aip' and find the following line:

//Military Phase 3

add in the section 'Military Phase 3', and before 'Expansion 2':

"fed_galaxyxr5", 2,0, -1, 0,

Open folders 'odf/system':

Open 'all_cap_veteran.odf' and add the following lines:

fleetcapclassXX = "fed_galaxyxr6"
fleetcapclassXXcapvalue = 9

XX = the number 1 higher than the last in the list.

Open 'all_veteran9.odf' and add the following lines:

replacementXXcondition = "fed_galaxyxr5"
replacementXXclass0 = "fed_galaxyxr6"

XX = the number 1 higher than the last in the list.

Open 'edit_federation_vesselsY2.odf' and add the following lines:

itemXX = "fed_galaxyx.odf"

XX = the number 1 higher than the last in the list.

Open 'fed_eraudi_yardY.odf' and add the following lines:

buildItemXX = "fed_galaxyx"

replace it with:

XX = the number 1 higher than the last in the list, preferrably between the Phalanx and Ally Repair.

Open all fighter odfs (such as 'fed_avalonF.odf') and find the following lines:

supplyclasses = 0

add beeath it:

"fed_galaxyx.odf" 1
"fed_galaxyxr2.odf" 1
"fed_galaxyxr3.odf" 1
"fed_galaxyxr4.odf" 1
"fed_galaxyxr5.odf" 1
"fed_galaxyxr6.odf" 1

Open folders 'Sprites':

Open 'miniimages.spr' and find the following line:
fed_galaxyw1 miniimages1 384 128 128 128

add beneath it:
fed_galaxyx_si systembackgrounds13 512 256 512 128

Open 'systembackgrounds.spr' and find the following line:
fed_galaxy_si systembackgrounds2 512 0 512 128

add beneath it:
fed_galaxyxw1 miniimages4 768 0 128 128

Open 'gui_global.spr' and find the following line:
b_fed_galaxy all_interface_buildbuttons02 0 208 96 96 # 1 3

add beneath it:
b_fed_galaxyx all_interface_buildbuttons13 208 104 96 96 # 3 1

Open folder 'Datatechtree':

Open 'tech1' and find the following:

fed_phalanx.odf 1 fedU_chassis3Y.odf

add beneath it:

fed_galaxyx.odf 1 fedU_chassis3Y.odf

Open 'freetech' and find the following:

fed_phalanx.odf 0

add beneath it:

fed_galaxyx.odf 0

Open main folder (Star Trek Armada II Fleet OperationsData):

Open 'Dynamic_Localized_Strings' and find the following entry:

"AUTOTOOLTIP-fed_eraudi_yardY.odf", "
 Offensive Value
Â� Â� Defensive Value
�� System Value

� Yard
� Repair Dock

Excelsior-II Class
Remore Class
Avalon Class
Defiant Class
Sovereign Class
Phalanx Class

replace it with:

"AUTOTOOLTIP-fed_eraudi_yardY.odf", "
 Offensive Value
Â� Â� Defensive Value
�� System Value

� Yard
� Repair Dock

Excelsior-II Class
Remore Class
Avalon Class
Defiant Class
Sovereign Class
Galaxy-X Class
Phalanx Class

Open 'Dynamic_Localized_Strings' and find the following entry:

"AUTOTOOLTIP-fed_galaxyr6.odf", "
�� Offensive Value
Â�Â�­ Defensive Value
� System Value
Weapon range: Medium

� Offensive Value increased by 3
� System Value increased by 4
� Supports Starfleet fighters

add beneath it:

"AUTOTOOLTIP-fed_galaxyx.odf", "
�� Offensive Value
­Â� Defensive Value
Â�¾ System Value
Weapon range: Medium

� Offensive Value increased by 3
� System Value increased by 4
� Supports Starfleet fighters
"AUTOTOOLTIP-fed_galaxyxr2.odf", "
�� Offensive Value
­­ Defensive Value
Â�¾ System Value
Weapon range: Medium

� Offensive Value increased by 3
� System Value increased by 4
� Supports Starfleet fighters
"AUTOTOOLTIP-fed_galaxyxr3.odf", "
�� Offensive Value
¾ Defensive Value
Â�¾ System Value
Weapon range: Medium

� Offensive Value increased by 3
� System Value increased by 4
� Supports Starfleet fighters
"AUTOTOOLTIP-fed_galaxyxr4.odf", "
�� Offensive Value
¾¾ Defensive Value
Â�¾ System Value
Weapon range: Medium

� Offensive Value increased by 3
� System Value increased by 4
� Supports Starfleet fighters
"AUTOTOOLTIP-fed_galaxyxr5.odf", "
Â�­ Offensive Value
Ã�  Defensive Value
Â�¾ System Value
Weapon range: Medium

� Offensive Value increased by 3
� System Value increased by 4
� Supports Starfleet fighters
"AUTOTOOLTIP-fed_galaxyxr6.odf", "
�� Offensive Value
Â�Â�­ Defensive Value
� System Value
Weapon range: Medium

� Offensive Value increased by 3
� System Value increased by 4
� Supports Starfleet fighters

Version  for FleetOps  Author  adm_tyler  Website   
Downloads  944  Size  3.85 MB  Created  2011-01-16 



#1 Tyras_385 2011-01-19 09:21
I downloaded this beautiful looking ship and followed the instructions provided but all that happened in that my Fleet Ops 3.15 will not start saying "An error occurred in the application". What do I do as I really want to see this masterpiece in action!!!
#2 Tyras_385 2011-01-19 09:27
I found out the proble. lol it was a slight copying error on my behalf, looking forward to bashing some people with this...

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