Galaxy EVO Galaxy EVO

(12 votes)
dan1025, 2008-08-04

Even though saucer separation was discussed as early as in the original series (Kirk tells Scotty at one point to separate the saucer and head for home if the warp engines fail), it didn't come into its own as a concept until the Galaxy class was seen in action during "Encounter at Farpoint". The Galaxy EVO mod was one of those developments that came out of the events of "Generations" and the debut of the Prometheus class design. Suddenly people realized that having the civilian-filled saucer section limping away at impulse probably wasn't going to guarantee anyone's survival. And LC Amaral designed the Galaxy EVO in order to have warp in both sections of the ship, making the whole concept a little more easy to live with.

Dan1025 has done a remarkably good job with the original Bridge Commander model, porting it and reducing the poly count significantly while not taking anything away from the overall design. However, this mod requires the FleetOps patch version 1.2.5, which means that if you have any intentions of using this straight into stock, you'll have to figure out a few work-arounds. Moreover, despite the Titan class' eventual change in design to a ship more reminiscent of the Akira class than the Galaxy class (and its re-naming as the Luna class), this ship is referred to as the Titan class in the .ODF files. Simple enough to switch, if you care one way or another.

Everything you could want --a full set of build and weapons buttons, textures with and without registry, wireframes and admirals' log pics-- it's all here. Dan1025 has shown the importance of paying attention to the little details with this mod. The final product demonstrates that sort of quality through and through. Although I'm not a fan of the design, I do appreciate the work that went into this mod, and hopefully, a download will mean that you will, too.


This is a poly reduced version of LC Amaral's Galaxy EVO mod that he released for Bridge Commander, I've lowered the poly count by about 3000 on all 3 sections, and I've resized the textures so they don't slow the game down. I've used the patch project to create the saucer seperation weapon for the ship, so there's no need to replace the stock galaxy seperation weapon. I've given the ship the class name of the Titan Class, since that was the name used on the original BC mod, it's easily changed in the ODF files if you want to call it something else.

Included in this mod are:

SOD files
Ship textures (with and without the registry)
Borg textures (with and without the registry)
Build buttons (for all 3 sections)
Special weapon buttons
Ship ODFs
Weapon ODFs
Special Weapon ODFs
Admirals Log pictures


Installation Instructions:

1. Place the sod files for the poly count you want, into the Activision/Star Trek Armada II/SOD folder.
2. Place all files found in the RGB folder into the Activision/Star Trek Armada II/Textures/RGB folder.
3. Place the ODF files into the Activision/Star Trek Armada II/odf/ships folder.
4. Place the ODF files found in the phasers folder into the Activision/Star Trek Armada II/odf/weapons/phasers folder.
5. Place the ODF files found in the photons folder into the Activision/Star Trek Armada II/odf/weapons/photons folder.
6. Place the ODF files found in the special_weapons folder into the Activision/Star Trek Armada II/odf/special_weapons folder.
7. Place the bitmap images found in the ShipImages folder into the Activision/Star Trek Armada II/bitmaps/AdmiralsLog/ShipImages folder.
8. Find the file named "gui_global.spr" found in the Activision/Star Trek Armada II/Sprites folder and open it (use notepad).

Search for where it says:

"Federation build buttons"

and underneath where it says:



b_fed_galevo GBfed_galevo 0 0 64 64
b_fed_galevo_saucer GBfed_galevo_saucer 0 0 64 64
b_fed_galevo_stardrv GBfed_galevo_stardrv 0 0 64 64

Now search for where it says:

"Federation wireframes"

and underneath where it says:



fed_galevow1 WFfed_galevo 0 0 64 64
fed_galevow2 WFfed_galevo 0 0 64 64
fed_galevow3 WFfed_galevo 0 0 64 64
fed_galevow4 WFfed_galevo 0 0 64 64
fed_galevow5 WFfed_galevo 0 0 64 64

fed_galevo_saucerw1 WFfed_galevo_saucer 0 0 64 64
fed_galevo_saucerw2 WFfed_galevo_saucer 0 0 64 64
fed_galevo_saucerw3 WFfed_galevo_saucer 0 0 64 64
fed_galevo_saucerw4 WFfed_galevo_saucer 0 0 64 64
fed_galevo_saucerw5 WFfed_galevo_saucer 0 0 64 64

fed_galevo_stardrvw1 WFfed_galevo_stardrv 0 0 64 64
fed_galevo_stardrvw2 WFfed_galevo_stardrv 0 0 64 64
fed_galevo_stardrvw3 WFfed_galevo_stardrv 0 0 64 64
fed_galevo_stardrvw4 WFfed_galevo_stardrv 0 0 64 64
fed_galevo_stardrvw5 WFfed_galevo_stardrv 0 0 64 64

Now search for where it says:

"Special weapon buttons"

and underneath where it says:



b_fgesep GBgesep 0 0 64 64
b_fgeint GBgeint 0 0 64 64

Save and close the file.

9. Find the file named "" in the Activision/Star Trek Armada II/techtree folder and open it (use notepad).

Underneath where it says:

"Federation Ships"


fed_galevo.odf 2 fyard2.odf fresear2.odf
fed_galevo_saucer.odf 2 fyard2.odf fresear2.odf
fed_galevo_stardrv.odf 2 fyard2.odf fresear2.odf

Now, underneath where it says:

"Federation Special Weapons"


fgesep.odf 0
fgeint.odf 0

Save and close the file.

10. Find the file named "" in the Activision/Star Trek Armada II/techtree folder and open it (use notepad).

At the top of the file add:

fed_galevo.odf 0
fed_galevo_saucer.odf 0
fed_galevo_stardrv.odf 0
fgesep.odf 0
fgeint.odf 0

Save and close the file.

11. Open the name of whatever station you want to add the ships to as buildable units (if any).

Add at the bottom of the list of buildable items:

buildItemXX = "fed_galevo" (where XX is the number after the last one on the list).

If you also want to make the saucer and stardrive sections buildable, add at the bottom of the list of buildable items:

buildItemXX = "fed_galevo_saucer" (where XX is the number after the last one on the list).
buildItemXX = "fed_galevo_stardrv" (where XX is the number after the last one on the list).

Save and close the file.

That should be all you need to get the ship to work in your game :)


Credits & Thanks:

Full Credit for the original model and textures goes to LC Amaral
Credit for the orginal borg texture I used goes to "Scorpians" altered SFC stock sphere mod

A big thanks to Activision for releasing this game and giving us all something fun to mod and improve upon.
Thanks to the FleetOps team for releasing the patch project, and bringing new life to this game.
If you want to use this mod for something you plan to release, you may need to contact LC Amaral, as it is his model and textures. For more details on this you can always e-mail me

Hope you enjoy the mod! :)

Version  1.0  Author  dan1025  Website   
Downloads  723  Size  9.89 MB  Created  2008-08-04 



#21 mardlin 2009-04-30 16:48
I had this ingame before this release. I used all stock weapons including the separator and integrator and it worked fine. I have not tried this version.

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