Galaxy Class and Nebula Class Galaxy Class and Nebula Class

(13 votes)
Transmission, 2007-05-07

"...and here's part two of the great Tycoon giveaway! Today's sale item, some stunning Federation ships."

Ahem. I kid you not though, they do look absolutely stunning, sufficed to say, better then what we already have in Armada. Yes they're high poly and have big textures, but my gosh do they look like they're going to tear through some Cardassians! Whilst the download size might be daunting, it's explainable as you're not downloading 2 ships, but 5! You have the standard Galaxy class ala TNG alongside the phaser nacelle variant seen in DS9. The Nebula's get it better though as you have the Melbourne warp nacelle variant, the weapons pod of the Sutherland and the sensor pod of the Phoenix. I actually think the Nebula's look that bit better than the Galaxy's, but that's not to say the dreadnaughts don't look nice, because they really do.

Balance is also not an issue. Whilst it might be taxing on the very weakest of PC's, these ships fit perfectly in to the stock game however the additions do lack wireframes, and Ai script, there are plenty available to already get a hold of. Also, stock weapons are still the same, along with every other statistic, special weapons have been distributed. Now, the Nebula's play less of an over-view special weapons ship and require more management. The Galaxy's are given the Engineering team special, whilst each of the Nebula's has the other 3 specials catered to their unique design. Add to that canon names for all the ships, you really do have a great mod. This is certainly recommendable.

(Note, also includes admiral's pic images for the previously released Cardassian Galor and Keldon classes)



Starfleet: The United Federation of Planets

- Nebula Class Science Vessel (Sensor Pod Variant)
- Nebula Class Science Vessel (Weapons Pod Variant)
- Nebula Class Science Vessel (Twin-Nacelle Variant)
- Galaxy Class Exploration Vessel
- Galaxy Class Exploration Vessel (Refit)


Starship Information

The Nebula Class:

Often referred to as the younger sibling of the vaunted Galaxy Class, the Nebula features the primary hull and nacelles of her elder Sister, in addition to an upper module of which can be replaced with different 'Pods' for mission specific roles.

The Nebula Class starships have mainly seen exploration missions, most of which go along with the Sensor Pod. In times of war however, this Sensor Pod can be easily replaced with a Weapons Pod, allowing this ship to fulfil a more sinister role in Combat.


The Galaxy Class:

The Galaxy Class starship was designed to replace the aging Ambassador & Oberth Class vessels and become to Next Generation of starship for Science & Exploration missions.

Excluding the Sovereign Class, the Galaxy is the second largest ship in the fleet. Containing 52 decks, multiple Science Labs and recreation areas, the Galaxy also had the capacity to carry a considerably large crew compliment.

Four years before the Dominion war Starfleet started upgrading these starships, adding additional phaser arrays and a hand full of other improvements. After the start of the war these enhancements were seen in action, making the Galaxy a formidable and deadly opponent.



Original Model Creation: Dolphoenix
Original Model Textures: Vorlon & Dolphoenix

Additional Model Work: Howedar and ThomastheCat

Conversion: Tycoon
From ST: Starfleet Command III to ST: Armada II

Variant Model Work:
- Added Sensor Pod
- Textures by P81, Moonraker and Knox1701
- Model by Major A Payne
- Textures edited by Tycoon

- Added V3 Twin-Nacelles: Tycoon

Hardpointed: Tycoon
Edited Textures: Tycoon
- Nebula: Reduced Texture Sets (original 22, final 6)
- Galaxy: Reduced Texture Sets (original 16, final 6)
- Remapped Textures
- Removed Ship Registrations

Build Buttons: Tycoon
Admirals Log Images: Tycoon


Release Information

The Nebula has a standing Poly Count of:
- Sensor Pod Variant: 3144
- Weapons Pod Variant: 2462
- Nacelle Variant: 3092

The Galaxy has a standing Poly Count of:
- Standard Galaxy: 3110
- Galaxy Refit: 3190

The included Textures come in 12 sets, each set is on a 512x512 resolution, and have been adapted with alpha channels for lightmaps.

Milkshape 3D Models:
The Base models have been included in .MS3D (Milkshape 3D) format for those that may need them as such.


In-Game Notice

Because there are now three Nebula Variants, and two Galaxy Variants, I have had a play with the special weapons, and have shared them out between the various ships.


Nebula Class Special Weapon(s)
- Shield Harmonics Disruptor
- Manheim Effect
- Point Defense Laser
- Fed Repair Team

Galaxy Class Special Weapon(s)
- Saucer Separation


Nebula Class (Sensor Pod Variant)
- Shield Harmonics Disruptor
Nebula Class (Weapon Pod Variant)
- Manheim Effect
Nebula Class (Twin-Nacelle Variant)
- Point Defense Laser

Galaxy Class
- Fed Repair Team
Galaxy Class Refit
- Fed Repair Team



These five ships replace two of the stock models of your Star Trek: Armada II Game. And add an additional three, which (if all has worked out well) will also be used by the Computer AI. To Use / Install, please follow these very simple instructions.


- Unzip Package (you should get a folder come up, named 'Galaxy and Nebula Starships'
- Go into that Folder, and highlight all the folders. You needn�t select the ReadMe, nor Screenshots.
- Right click on any of the selected folders (making sure they are still all selected)
- Highlight the 'Copy' option
- Navigate to your Star Trek: Armada II Directory
- Right click (anywhere other than on a folder, or icon), and select 'Paste'
- Play the Game


- Extract Content
- Copy .ODF Folder to your Star Trek Armada II Directory (yes to overwrite)
- Copy .SOD Folder to your Star Trek Armada II Directory (yes to overwrite)
- Copy your Textures Folder to your Star Trek Armada II Directory (yes to overwrite)
- Copy your Sprites Folder to your Star Trek Armada II Directory (yes to overwrite)
- Copy your techtree Folder to your Star Trek Armada II Directory (yes to overwrite)
- Copy your bitmaps Folder to your Star Trek Armada II Directory (yes to overwrite)


Bugs & Incomplete Items

AI - I had hoped to program the AI to use all five of these ships. However, my AI knowledge is limited at best, thus the AI will only use the basic Galaxy, and the Sensor Pod Nebula - Them being the first of each Class.
Wireframes - There are no New Wireframes with this release, simply because I do not yet know how to make them.



Galor & Keldon
I have also Included a .BMP Image for the Galor & Keldon Pack I released previously. I figure people who downloaded that, will likely download this.

There are also new BMP Images for these five ships (The Galaxy & Nebula Variants) too.


Further May Releases

- Borg Items - A Collection of Borg Ships, each with a new Borg Texture, and a nice new Borg Complex to build them all from.

These are to be released throughout May.


Copyright Information

These models have not been made, distributed or supported by Activision, Interplay nor Paramount Pictures.

Star Trek, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: Voyager and related properties are Registered Trademarks of Paramount Pictures registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office.
All original designs are copyright © Paramount Pictures.
No infringement of Paramount's copyrights is intended.



All files included are for personal use only, and can not be bought or sold for profit. Neither can they be modified or edited without the permission of the Author.


Version    Author  Transmission  Website   
Downloads  1,712  Size  9.21 MB  Created  2007-05-07 


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