Galaxy and Galaxy X Refit Galaxy and Galaxy X Refit

(9 votes)
Transmission, 2004-10-16

This file will replace your galaxy class with a better model and rebalanced ODF, but on top of that your new Galaxy will become a Galaxy X refit when its new special weapon is activated. The ship is good, but the file size is a little big, and it's been done before, just maybe not in the same way.

Galaxy - Galaxy-X

This is the Galaxy and Galaxy-X.
You do NOT need to make any changes to your shipyards.

To use, simple copy the files into the Star Trek Armada II Directory and follow below instructions.


What this does:
Once this has been added you will be able to upgrade your Galaxy class to the Galaxy-X class.

Simply build a normal Galaxy class and once you have the second research centre (the one that adds the special weapons for the Nebula) you are able to use the weapon to upgrade to the galaxy-x.

I have used the �Gimmi-Effect� icon as this weapon icon (it had two ships beside each other, one filled in) - it seemed appropriate.


Open up sprites and then open up �gui_global� scroll down to the Federation wireframes and enter copy the galaxy wireframe details, then paste below and change the �fgalaxyw1� etc so that it becomes �fgalaxyxw1� etc (there is no new wireframe for the galaxy-x as I am not able to make them.

Once done, find �# Federation build buttons� and under �reference=64� enter:
b_fgalaxyx gbfgalaxy 0 0 64 64

After that has been done find �# Special weapon buttons� (this should display all the weapons for the game) scroll to the bottom of that and add:
b_galaxyupgrade gbupgrade 0 0 64 64

Save and close �gui_global�

Next, open up �techtree� and open up �fulltech� under the �fgalaxy.odf 0� put �fgalaxyx.odf 0� once done scroll down a little and you will see �ggalseparator 0� under that type �galaxyupgrade 0� � Finnished

Now open up (still in techtree) the file named �tech1� under federation ships type:
fgalaxyx.odf 0 // battleship (galaxy class refit)

Scroll down till you get to the federation special weapons and add (at the bottom):
galaxyupgrade.odf 1 fresear2.odf // galaxy class upgrade


You should now have completed, although I feel that I have missed something!!!


Nickname: SupaStarAsh
E-mail: (e-mail for comments, queries, or help).

Version  1.0  Author  Transmission  Website   
Downloads  1,939  Size  5.84 MB  Created  2004-10-16 



#1 armad2 2004-11-03 08:30
the pic looks kinda like it could be something from the last episode of next generation
#2 Transmission 2004-11-16 20:51
I originally planned it as a POTD (if you scroll through the POTD archive you will find it)

i didn't have a picture of the ships so i just used this one as it shows both ships.
#3 Commodore_Wolf 2005-05-29 14:47
That's a great AGT parody pic!

To celebrate such an awesome pic, I shall download your mod (which I was going to do anyways) and have some Drink and :donut:
#4 reece101 2011-11-05 13:34
Please Help Me With The Installation?

It Doesn't Work!

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