Galant Class
A small starship for the federation

Galant Class By Bombomadil
Hello. here is my galant class ship for a2 .this is my first real mod so go easy.
this mod has odf, sod ,texture and build button(sorry no wireframe) for the galant.
if anyone wants to use this in the mods they can just credit to me
install instructions:
1 put .odf into odf/ship directory
put .tga's into textures/rgb directory
put .sod into sod directory
2 in of your techtree directory put the following ine with the rest of the
fed ships
fgalant.odf 0
in gui_global.spr of your sprites directory put the following line @reference 64
with the other fed build buttons
b_fgalant gbfgalant 0 0 64 64
go to fyard.odf/fyard2.odf/fbase.odf of odf/stations and scroll down till you
see the build list and add this line
buildItemx = "fgalant"
(where x put the next consecutive number)
Version | Author | Bombomadil | Website | ||
Downloads | 373 | Size | 11.94 KB | Created | 2002-12-31 |
anyone notice the face?