Federation Holoship
This is the Holoship seen in Star Trek: Insurrection. APCM did a very nice job with this, and it is definetly worth a download

well someone requested this one on stgn, and as i found a paramount shematic a while ago
i thought about doing it....and here we are.
someone asked me on stgn if it will be avaiable for a1, too..but its not..becasue i think its
useless in a1 because there are no plantes and there is no holo-weapon......but i might make
one for a1 as well if someone asks.....would be a waste of resources in a1..but someone might like wasting them :P
to install just copy all folders from this zip into your armada-directory..
it won\'t change any files...
this file contains a buildbutton, some weapon-buttons and one wireframe as well..so you need to edit
your gui.global.spr of your \\sprites -folder
search for the federation-buildbutton section and ad the followin line:
b_fholoship gbfholoship 0 0 64 64
now seach for special-weapons button-sectio and all these lines:
b_fcloak gbfcloak 0 0 64 64
b_gfedionbeam gbfedibeam 0 0 64 64
now search for:
# Wireframes
# ----------
# Ship Wireframes
and add following lines:
fholoshipw1 fwholoship 40 0 40 40
fholoshipw2 fwholoship 0 40 40 40
fholoshipw3 fwholoship 40 40 40 40
fholoshipw4 fwholoship 80 0 40 40
fholoshipw5 fwholoship 0 0 40 40
no you have to open the tech1.tt from your \\techtree - folder
and add these lines:
fcloak.odf 0
fholoship.odf 0
gfedionbeam.odf 0
now open a fyard.odf, fyard2.odf, or fbase.odf (depends on where you want it to be build)
and search for builditem-section
now add the following under the last entry
builditemXX = \"fholoship\"
(replace XX with a build-slot..that means if the last entry says buildbutton6 = \"something\" replace XX with 7 )
well your done now..the holoship should be avaiable for build now...
SOD, odf, hps, and bb/wf by APCMmkII
texture was made by me of a paramount shematic
please send any suggestions or questions to APCMmkII@gmx.de
Version | Author | APCMmkII | Website | ||
Downloads | 1,841 | Size | 612.96 KB | Created | 2002-09-26 |