Federation Constitution TNG light cruiser refit Federation Constitution TNG light cruiser refit

(9 votes)
Terradyhne, 2004-08-18

This is a ship addon for the federation Constitution TNG light cruiser refit.

Armada 2 Ships Addon:

This is an new ship for StarTrek-Armada 2.

Odf,SOD and Buildbuttons included
Textures included.
new plasma/photon weapon included.

Odf by me
Models and Textures by me
converted to sod by me

Tools used:
Milkshape 3d 1.6.5
Paintshop Pro 7.0 for Texture-works
3DS-Max R3

Copyright thing:
All used tools and releated are Copyright by there respective owners.
StarTrek-Armada is Copyright of Activision
StarTrek is TM,R and Copyright of Paramount Pictures

This is non official addon so there is no responcibility by Activision for
every bug or system-destruction on your computer.
When this is released there is no known bug or danger for your system it´s
100% virus-free so iam not responcible for any kind of software or hardware
destruction on your computer.

You may not sell user-created missions commercially.
You should respect the rights of the property owners.
You have to ask for permission if you want to use one of this in any mod.


how to install??

ships odf goes into odf\ships folder
tgas go into textures\rgb folder
sods go into SOD folder

add this to any shipyard odf buildlist:

buildItemxx = "shipname" (XX = 01-12) (shipname = ships odf name)

add this to the tech1.tt:

shipname.odf 0 (shipname = ships odf name)

and add this to gui global.spr:

b_shipname gbshipname 0 0 64 64 (shipname = ships odf name)

FentTNGw1 WFentTNG 0 0 64 64
FentTNGw2 WFentTNG 0 0 64 64
FentTNGw3 WFentTNG 0 0 64 64
FentTNGw4 WFentTNG 0 0 64 64
FentTNGw5 WFentTNG 0 0 64 64

Version    Author  Terradyhne  Website   
Downloads  1,800  Size  626.90 KB  Created  2004-08-18 



#1 draconis_sharp 2004-08-19 07:08
I've been waiting for this ship for a while. Unfortunately, it looks as though it is not a new model, but just a new texturing. I gues I'll look over the readme and try to find out. The phaser strips' diamter is a little small, which leads me to believe that it is possible that the ship being used is the old constitution with a new phaser strip and nacelle texture.
#2 Terradyhne 2004-08-19 17:00
this is the Constitution model made by me that i use for E&F2 with a texture changed to TNG standards with phaserstrips and new nacelle warpcoils and bussard painted in
#3 Wraith_166 2004-08-20 04:03
I know Star Trek started out as a cartoon, but this is ridiculous! No offense Terradyhne but this comes across as alomst out of a cartoon!
#4 armad2 2004-08-20 08:02
It didnt start out as a cartoon. And this Class looks pretty good.
#5 draconis_sharp 2004-08-21 14:41
I suppose this would be nice for any dominion wars fan.
#6 THE_VIP 2004-08-23 15:14
started out as a cartoon?! you're wayyyyyyy off guy...
#7 nick5 2004-08-24 11:59
Okay class lets review (yes I know you hate reviews) TOS, The Original Series. WHAT does that mean to you, I know how about the first.... :roll: I wonder.... Then after TOS there was (say it with me) Star Trek: Anamated Adventures..... Very Good, Class dismissed.
#8 Hardyous_of_vulcan 2005-07-17 01:24
as it says in the star trek encyclopidea: "...this work adheres to Paramount studio poilcy that regards the animated Star Trek series as not being part of the official Star Trek universe..."
#9 thomasjbryant13 2006-02-14 13:00
If the Constitution/Enterprise class were to be refitted to TNG-era, I think this is exactly how she'd look! This almost inspires me to write a short story about Scotty buying/salvaging a Conny and refitting it... since he IS retired and got all that free time (except when he appears in everyone's TNG story these days...)

But who has the time to write when they are busy playing A2???

Anywho... great ship, a must download!
#10 Doom369 2009-10-20 17:47
This is a late comment as I have used this ship since 2005. this is my favorite post TMP Connie Refit till this day, but I do agree with #3 on the textures.

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