Excelsior Lakota Refit Excelsior Lakota Refit

(4 votes)
K7A, 2007-08-03

This is for all you fans of K7's Dogs of War, no not the actual mod but a little teaser mod.. a Ship to be exact, and it's the Excelsior Lakota Refit from DoW which we have all seen in countless PotDs and Screenshots over the past year.

This Excelsior is originially done by Capatin Fingers but was retextured by K7A for DoW. The ship is excellent and doesn't disappoint. The ship plays well in game and looks very good even in stock Armada 2 so in any modified game it should fit in well.

On the downside, and I'd hate to be negative but there is no wireframe, admirals log bitmap, buildbutons or assimilation textures but I guess the modder has restricted those features to his mod and doesn't want to release them separately, I hope Wink.

A very nice ship, and should definately be downloaded if you are eagerly awaiting the release of DoW with great anticipation. Nice work K7 Wink


This is the Excelsior Lakota Refit for my upcoming mod Dogs of War.

NOTE: The .odf is for my mod and may require editing on YOUR part to be suitable in your own personal game as build costs are a bit excessive for a vanilla copy of armada 2. This contains no wireframe pic, admirals log pic, buildbutons or borg textures.

Original Model - Captin Fingers
Original Texture with alpha map - Captin Fingers
New Texture - K7A with new alpha map (with permission of Captin Fingers.)

Directions - Put the files in their respective folders. To get this ingame you need to make it buildable in a shipyard or put it in your map editor.

Lastly, I ask that you refrain from releasing this texture in any of your own mods. Bottom line: YOU NEED PERMISSION TO USE THIS IN YOUR MODS.

Thank You.

K7AV - K7DogsofWar@yahoo.com

Version  DoW  Author  K7A  Website   
Downloads  812  Size  856.94 KB  Created  2007-08-03 



#1 Gardiner 2007-08-03 17:48
I think the emote ^_^ just about covers it.
#2 F_Bobby 2007-08-03 18:18
i like the ship. very nice textures, but they almost seem a bit cartoony. and i was wondering why you armed it so lightly. Oh and one other thing. the "Lakota Refit" was meant to turn the ship into a hell of a fighting machine. arming it with quantum torpedos and extra phaser arrays. with just a Bit of ODF tweeking this ship will be totally kickass. Btw do ya have a Hp map for it?
#3 K7A 2007-08-03 19:26
no it wasn't. if you recall, the enterprise b was a lakota refit way before quantum torepedos were around. now, the weapons i put on it ARE NOT whats gonna be in the mod. I just put some phaser on there quickly so that newer modders would have a hard time picking weapons. how is it cartoony?
#4 F_Bobby 2007-08-03 19:37
well there were 2 refits. there is the excelsior refit, which is what the enterprise B was. and then what is knowns as a "Lakota" refit, which is how ive seen people describe how the Lakota was upgraded with the quantum torpedoes and the extra phasers in the episode paradise lost.

and i dont know why i think it looks cartoony. i think maybe its cause the model was done so well that it flows together better then the other models i have. so it seems a bit more round lol. i guess that the best way i can describe it. I still love the model and im gonna use it most definalty it just looks a bit off next to my other ships. I'll bet itll fit seemlessly into DoW if the other models are as of just as high quality.

and yeah i figured the weapons may have been added so that people would be able to use it off the bat. Btw if ya have a hp map. that woudl rule. cause ill add all the weapons to the correct places to make it fire like the lakota.
#5 Doom369 2007-08-04 15:10
CaptinFingers original 2 Mods for this ship also didn't incude Wire frame or build button or borg textures. Very nice, I'll have to check it out.
#6 calvary 2007-08-12 04:26
6/10, I agree the model is good but it's showing it's age, the texturing is it's downfall. I wouldn't go as far as to say cartoony but to me it's just another published excelsior kit.

by the way K7A is correct, their was the Excelsior, Excelsior B (Enterprise Refit), Excelsior B (Lakota Refit) The Lakota was fitted with upgraded propulsion, computers, phaser bank, quantum torpedos. however their was only one. hence why it's called the lakota refit. in the star trek encyclopedia it say's they discontinued production of the second refit during the dominion conflict because of cost and influence from the defiant incident. the rendered excelsiors in the show during the armada scenes were the excelsior refit (1)
#7 Tazuren 2007-08-23 19:39
I noticed one thing wrong about this mod. That is the color of the Bussard Collecters. They should be red and not blue.
#8 njm1983 2008-03-23 23:50
this is a decent ship, Id use it for sure but it has a hardpoint error, the phasers fire from the very tip of the saucer. if it gets fixed it would be awesome.
#9 adm_tyler 2008-07-16 09:31
Excelsior Class have Blue Bussard Collectors. They always have.
#10 Lakota 2009-05-05 10:43
as far as i know beside the normal and Lakota refit there exist a "Concord Lakota Refit" which has more powerful engines, phasers and shilds

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