Enterprise-F (Prometheus Class) Enterprise-F (Prometheus Class)

(7 votes)
Jabsticles, 2008-12-21

The author of this mod is, to date, unknown to A2Files, and goes by Jabsticles. This is his/her first mod, a Prometheus class starship that claims to be the USS Enterprise-F. Note that the claim is not borne out by the registry, about which the author unfortunately claims to "have absolutely no flapping idea who made it". Looks like Deemon's to me. And the mod itself doesn't include MVAM capabilities. It appears to be a straight-up .ODF modification, with a new .SOD to match.

The actual speculation surrounding which ship would become the Enterprise-F after the decommissioning / destruction of Enterprise-E has been one of my pet peeves in the Trek modding universe. After all, nobody asked after Enterprise-B and its class until the advent of The Next Generation. It seems kind of presumptuous to assume that a certain class of starship recommends itself as the Enterprise. The speculators' best guesses seem to indicate that Enterprise-A's decommissioning led directly to the construction of Enterprise-B, which had a lengthy, if comparatively undistinguished, career before Enterprise-C was launched, then destroyed at Narendra III some time into its first mission. Enterprise-D was purpose-built from the keel up as an Enterprise, as it appears the Enterprise-C was so intended. And Enterprise-E was probably renamed after Enterprise-D's unfortunate loss at the hands of the Duras sisters. Each Enterprise has represented a major leap in the available technology aboard, more powerful than its predecessor. The unfortunate choice in the series Star Trek: Enterprise, to both tack on a predecessor (NX-01) and an eventual descendant (1701-J) bearing the name Enterprise, simply bears out that tendency. But that, so far as we know, is where the tendency comes to an end. Unless Picard's good ship is lost imminently after Nemesis, it seems unlikely that the Prometheus class starship would ever carry a ship named Enterprise. What's more, traditionally Starfleet has honoured the "typical" setup-- two nacelles, an underslung stardrive and a connected saucer. Despite the undisputed improvements in tactical and power systems, the Prometheus remains an unlikely choice for 1701-F even if the Enterprise-E were destroyed the day after the events of Nemesis. Community tradition holds either the Century or the Soulwolf designs to be the likely bearers of the name into the next "next generation".

This particular mod gives the Prometheus better phasers, a cloaking device, and three plasma weapons. And the shields absorb all the damage the vessel takes. Seems like overkill on an already powerful vessel, but since this is the Enterprise-F, or supposed to be, that seems to justify it. As a first mod, it seems to be pretty well done. As an Enterprise, though? Your mileage may vary.

Worth a look.


Okay, i found the textures on the internet, so I have absolutely no flapping idea who made it.


This is my first ever mod, so I hope its good, it is coming from a 13 year old!

Put all files in respective folders or:

put the odf, sod and tga in proper folders. (don't forget admirals log pic!)

Open you're tech1 and fulltech files and put "entf.odf 0" in (without quotes)

Open Gui_global and federation under federation build buttons put:
b_fentf gbfprom 0 0 64 64

It may not work, so replace all fprom with fentf.

Under fed wireframes (@reference 256) place:
fentfw1 fedwireframe08 0 96 48 48
fentfw2 fedwireframe08 48 96 48 48
fentfw3 fedwireframe08 96 96 48 48
fentfw4 fedwireframe08 144 96 48 48
fentfw5 fedwireframe08 192 96 48 48

Add the Enterprise-F to a yard or base and you're on your merry way!

Have fun with my mod. Just mention me if you want to use it in you're mod. Oh wait, THIS MATERIAL IS NOT MADE OR SUPPORTED BY ACTIVISION (blah, blah, blah)

By Jabsticles.

Version    Author  Jabsticles  Website   
Downloads  240  Size  2.45 MB  Created  2008-12-21 



#1 Temporal 2008-12-21 14:35
You made the model? REALLY?
#2 undedavenger 2008-12-21 20:21
I think the staff should check this out a bit. It obviously has the same texture as Deemon's Prommy, and I see no differences in the sod. I have this version in my personal build. No credit is given to Deemon in the readme. New modders are always welcome, but taking credit for someone else's mod is not cool. 1/10
#3 Epytron_Omega 2008-12-21 21:17
I dont see a difference between this model and Deemon's Either, I think its a rip.
#4 Jabsticles 2008-12-21 21:46
Okay, i'm sorry. I didn't know who made the textures. I hereby give credit to Deemon for it and apologise. :sad:

Like I said, got the textures from the internet, so if I knew who the person was who made them, full credit would have been given.

#5 Jabsticles 2008-12-21 21:48
You see, I don't know or have any texture software, so if anyone can help me out there, It would be much appreciated. My next mods are gonna all be stock models so this can't happen again.
#6 theStarfleetKid 2008-12-22 08:01
Jabsticles --since this is your first mod, I can understand your confusion, but please make a point of referring to the following BEFORE submitting mods in future:


To quote: "All it takes is one email, not more that 5 minutes of your time. Therefore there are no excuses."

#7 Temporal 2008-12-22 11:04
So you made the model? I somehow don't believe it.
#8 wingsabre 2008-12-23 02:31
Seriously, it's annoying to assume that a Prometheus class will be used for F. If the E were to be destroyed, it makes sense to rename another Sovereign into F, just like the Yorktown was renamed into A. The Century class makes sense, for a successor, but Soulwolf looks hideous for a successor. The Insignia class would work as a successor also. There's also the possibility of having another design like the galaxy, similar to how the Ambassador looked like the Galaxy. Big, with kids on board.
#9 _dEjavU_ 2008-12-24 00:28
A Century class would make a fitting Enterprise-F but seriously though, as far as hull designs are concern, for the next ship to take on the 1701 registry..I think a more advanced hull design is an order ;-) .



TGA-??? "

"...Okay, i'm sorry. I didn't know who made the textures. I hereby give credit to Deemon for it and apologise....."

This "is" Deemon's Prometheus class(I recognize those purple hull anywhere :D ). Jabsticles, the SOD is the ship model and the TGA's are the ship's textures. As you obviously only made changes to the ODF file, might I suggest you give Deemon credit for the "whole" model.

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