Danube Class
This is a nice Danube class with an Akira-like torpedo launcher on the top

Danube Class with Torpedo launcher
well.. i saw this model on www.fleetyards.com and i thought it would look great in ARMADA, so i converted it..
copy all tga-files into your \\textures\\rgb folder
copy all odf-files into your \\odf\\ships folder
open your tech1.tt from \\techtree folder
add following line:
fdanube.odf 0
open your fyard.odf from \\odf\\stations folder
and add following line under your build-item section..
builditemXX = \"fdanube\"
(replace XX with slot-number you want to build at )
open your gui_global.spr from your \\sprites folder
go to federation buildbutton-section and add
b_fdanube gbfdanube 0 0 64 64
goto wireframe-section and add under:
# Wireframes
# ----------
# Ship Wireframes
following lines:
fdanubew1 fwdanube 40 0 40 40
fdanubew2 fwdanube 0 40 40 40
fdanubew3 fwdanube 40 40 40 40
fdanubew4 fwdanube 80 0 40 40
fdanubew5 fwdanube 0 0 40 40
mesh and texture by REDRAGON
ARMADA-conversion( Wireframe, BuildButton, odf and hps ) by APCMmkII
Version | Author | Redragon and APCM | Website | ||
Downloads | 3,147 | Size | 369.97 KB | Created | 2002-09-20 |