Danube Class Danube Class

(10 votes)
Redragon and APCM, 2002-09-20

This is a nice Danube class with an Akira-like torpedo launcher on the top Smile

Danube Class with Torpedo launcher

well.. i saw this model on www.fleetyards.com and i thought it would look great in ARMADA, so i converted it..

copy all tga-files into your \\textures\\rgb folder
copy all odf-files into your \\odf\\ships folder

open your tech1.tt from \\techtree folder

add following line:

fdanube.odf 0

open your fyard.odf from \\odf\\stations folder

and add following line under your build-item section..

builditemXX = \"fdanube\"

(replace XX with slot-number you want to build at )

open your gui_global.spr from your \\sprites folder

go to federation buildbutton-section and add

b_fdanube gbfdanube 0 0 64 64

goto wireframe-section and add under:

# Wireframes
# ----------


# Ship Wireframes

following lines:

fdanubew1 fwdanube 40 0 40 40
fdanubew2 fwdanube 0 40 40 40
fdanubew3 fwdanube 40 40 40 40
fdanubew4 fwdanube 80 0 40 40
fdanubew5 fwdanube 0 0 40 40


mesh and texture by REDRAGON

ARMADA-conversion( Wireframe, BuildButton, odf and hps ) by APCMmkII

Version    Author  Redragon and APCM  Website   
Downloads  3,147  Size  369.97 KB  Created  2002-09-20 



#11 mwcarlson 2006-09-11 09:03
I followed the installation instructions exactly and the game crashes every time I try to launch it. I have corrected everything I can think of in the files one can edit easily. Is there something wrong with the tga files?
#12 mwcarlson 2006-09-13 11:40
Ok, if there is anyone out there who is good at converting files then please contact me regarding this one. I am willing to pay you for your skills to convert this Armada 2 file to Armada (1). I really just need the proper 3D (sod) and wireframe files as I can mod the rest. Pretty much the ship itself is what I am asking for. If you are willing contact me at .
#13 Wolf01 2006-09-15 15:48
This ship is NOT a Danube. It is a Yellowstone Class Runabout. Pretty much the same, but designed for combat with extra torpedo launchers and more power. It was used on DS9 several times, and in the episode of Voyager where Harry Kim accidentally gets transported back to an Earth where he never boarded Voyager, he designed this vessel, along with a friend of his.
#14 Wheller 2007-04-07 19:56
Yes this is a Danube class Runabout, there are two veriants to the Danube. one with a "Roll bar" and another without. this is one without, and is my favorite of the two
#15 calvary 2007-08-07 21:15
yellow is too bright, not bad though. by the way they are not called roll bars, they are called PODS, the only ship I know of that actually has a torpedo pod is the old miranda, the nebula and runabout have "sensor pods" if im not mistaken.
#16 Wheller 2007-11-06 19:22
"Roll Bar" is a Slang Term, becase the Pod on top looks like a Roll Bar you would See on a Jeep or something like it.

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