Century Class Century Class

(9 votes)
k_merse, 2008-05-05

Just when you didn't think this beauty could get any better, k_merse gives us a tweaked, upgraded Century Class more worthy of Armada II. Coming in around 2900 poly, with new textures and a truly breath-taking appearance in game as a result, the Century Class is probably one of maybe five ships I've ever seen worthy of the name Enterprise. There is simply nothing better out there right now that so fully represents the proud heritage, and future potential, of the United Federation of Planets quite like this design. And k_merse's latest version does the design --and Starfleet-- just right.

Get this one today. Even if you have the Century class already, get it again.


|Federation Century Class Cruiser v2.0|
| by k_merse |
However at first the Century looks like a kitbash of an Intrepid and a Nova Class, her ancestors are much more older: the Lexington and the Renaissance Classes. Just like her predecessors the Century is also the small sister of the actual strongest class of the Starfleet, the Sovereign. Her size is about the size of the Intrepid.
The Century is perfect for space exploration and support missions.

Reduced poly number: From 6800 to 2900.
New textures: I modificated the textures for the low poly model. I changed the color scheme because the previous version was too light I think.

Simply use the installer. The installer will overwrite all of your previous mod so make a backup from your files! If you don't want to lose your own modifications, install the ship in a different directory and put it into the game manually.

The ship uses only basic Armada 2 files. You don't need any additional files for playing the ship.

The pack also contains a buildbutton, an Admirals Log image and a wireframe.

Original Model Design: DJ Curtis for Star Trek: Bridge Commander
Original Textures: DJ Curtis
Armada 2 Model Design: k_merse
Edited Textures: k_merse
Buildbutton, wireframe, ad.log image, .odf file: k_merse

Thanks for Mayor A. Payne for the SOD tutorial and DJ Curtis for the textures.

Please do not modify or include in a mod neither the ship nor the other files without my permission!

You can contact me via e-mai (k.merseATgmailDOTcom) or on MSN (psymanATfreemailDOThu).


Star Trek, Star Trek: Armada, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: Voyager and related properties are Registered Trademarks of Paramount Pictures registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office.
All original designs are copyright © Paramount Pictures.
No infringement of Paramount's copyrights is intended.

Version  2.0  Author  k_merse  Website  Website external 
Downloads  1,276  Size  592.94 KB  Created  2008-05-05 



#11 MJAY 2008-06-15 02:41
...didn't intend for the Century-class to replace the Sovereign. The Century-class is meant to replace the Galaxy-class. This is especially true, since they both (Galaxy and Century) have the same design purpose. The Sovereign was meant to be anti-Borg, NOT the Century. But the Century can still roll strong against the Borg, since its phaser systems are superior to the Sovereign.

The Sovereign is still slightly better suited for anti-Borg combat. In BC the Sov still handles better, and has more available phaser arcs. Lets remember, the Century isnt meant to be a battleship, the Sovereign is.

All in all, the Century is excellent balanced. It IS supposed to be bigger than the Sovereign, but NOT as big as the Excalibur. The Century basically provides the "missing link" in Starfleet's "evolution" to the Excalibur.
#12 undedavenger 2008-07-06 21:19
Was not meaning any disrespect, but DJ Curtis created the Century for BC, and he made it slightly longer than a Sovereign and larger than a Galaxy. And it is supposed to be built for combat, the thing had 6 forward torp launchers in BC! I'm not picking at KMerse, he's done a great job of porting the ship faithfully. It's just that a port IMO should not take liberties with the size and function of the ship. That being said, I have added Transphasic Torps, upped the size, and adjusted the shielding, etc., to match. This is supposed to be the flagship of the Federation at the dawn of the 25th Century, not a support ship.
#13 _dEjavU_ 2008-07-12 20:26
...flagship of the Federation at the dawn of the 25th century.....Hhhmmmm I think people could do better.The hull design for this ship does'nt strike me as the flagship of the fleet kind,battleship yes but flagship for the ever so evolving Federation Fleet......specially when you got the Excalibur class looking down at it..This ship does fit the hull designs for the Federation for the 25th century though.A very elegant concept,nicely done k_merse. :thumbsup: I wouldn't be surprised if Paramount decides to use this model for future Star Trek Releases. :P
#14 frostmourn4 2008-08-04 20:58
Is there and Armada 1 version anywhere?

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