BC Sovereign BC Sovereign

(6 votes)
Sherman2, 2004-11-11

This ship will be re-viewed at a later date.

Hi me again!
It's Sherman2 this time I've got a Sovereign Class.
you might say we've got enough sovereigns but this one different
it's from Star Trek bridge Commander. It's good looking, high res.
and i've included several things the description is as follows:
1.change able Torpedo Types "photon/Quantum"
2.Multi-Target Phasers (8 Arc's)
3.nice fast physics (smooth!)
4.Corbomite reflector
5.Torpedo Textures (Admiral's Sovereign Mod)
Okay Heres Installation

Place All Files in there right location

b_fsovereign gbsovereign 0 0 64 64
b_Photont gbphotont 0 0 64 64
b_quantumt gbquantumt 0 0 64 64

Into Gui_global.spr

fsovereign.odf 0
photont.odf 0
quantumt.odf 0

Into tech1.tt/Fulltech.tt

wsovphot wsovphot 0 0 42 42 @anim=tex3x3
wfquant wfquant 0 0 42 42 @anim=tex3x3

Into weapon.spr

buildItem# = "fsovereign"

(replace "#" with number of next space)

every one who Made Bridge Commander and SFC,
Admirals Soveriegn makers,
Star trek First contact,

If you want to use this this in you own mod feel free just give me credit.

Have Fun!!!

Auther = Sherman2
modtime = 2 days
Modelimporttime = 2 hours

Version    Author  Sherman2  Website   
Downloads  706  Size  1.79 MB  Created  2004-11-11 



#11 blurb23 2004-11-12 06:57
CG Sov??? Major, did i hear you right??? someone converted the CG Sov for A2?? wow, id better go find this...

anyways, i think one of the best features about this mod is the changeable torp types... not something you see a lot of (if ever) for A2...
#12 MajorPayne 2004-11-12 17:37
Blurb23. It has been converted as a hero, but not released as yet.
#13 SHERMAN2 2004-11-13 03:15
MajorPayne Have you seen the low poly of this model???


I might as well have submited a cube with a picture of a sovereign on it!
#14 MajorPayne 2004-11-13 04:54
Oookaaay!! Not sure what that meant so perhaps you might want to indicate why you make the statement you did seeing as you submitted the file.
#15 SHERMAN2 2004-11-13 05:04
the sovereignLow.nif (the stock low poly model for those people who use something 300 years old)



it is less poly than the a2 stock.
#16 SHERMAN2 2004-11-13 05:18
MajorPayne did you try to send me something?

because it got all wacky over here.

7 message boxes apeared and then disapeared All i could make out was "Incoming" and

"MajorPayne" then they were gone?
#17 Battlecruiser3k 2004-12-08 06:16
why doesn't someone convert the CG sov with updated torpedo's and get it over with already we dont need all the poor and bad quality models no offence to the creators of the other bc sov mods but compared to CG sov yours have a much lower quality

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