This is Janeway's Shuttle, seen in the episode Endgame. The catch is that it features the Alblative Armor

Sod and Texture by Captain fingers
Everything else by Ted H
*Update*: The errors reported should be fixed, I replaced the old file with a new one.
Armored Voyager Mod SC-4 Beta
SC-4 Janeway¡¦s Shuttle is now complete
You can forget this part¡K Just click the setup.exe thanx to Gonwee For the templater for the auto installer!! ƺ
This is the Armored SC-4 Shuttle, which was Admiral Janeway¡¦s shuttle in Endgame. It has transphasic torpedoes, and Stealth Technology.
Captn fingers who did the kick-ass sods and textures! ƺ
pdiddy who made the armor engage and retract buttons
Gonwee, who made the original template for the auto installer!!
Also, the modders who made the slipstream I used to template temporal relocation.
1. The Temporal Relocation/ Stealth Technology aren¡¦t working correctly and don¡¦t have buttons. This will be fixed in the final.
After This expect the Rhode Island (Nova Variant) with armor.
this mod is by
ted h
If anyone has any suggestions to help me improve on this mod, or wants to comment about it,
note: you must play this on freetech unless you make modifications ¡Vforget this now, regular tech should work!!
If you wish to use this in your mod, please email me.
You Cant Run This Right without already installing AVMv4!!
Version | Beta | Author | Captain Fingers | Website | |
Downloads | 2,059 | Size | 1,023.75 KB | Created | 2002-09-08 |
1) Open your folder: odf/ships/fsc4.odf and remove everything under the
// ****************************************************
And paste this code in it's place:
// Phaser
weapon0 = "fc3phas"
weaponHardpoints0 = "hp05" "hp08"
// Photon Torpedos
weapon1 = "fc3phot"
weaponHardpoints1 = "hp01" "hp02"
weapon2 = "sc4armor"
// Federation Stealth Technology
weapon3 = "gstealth"
weaponHardpoints4 = "hp01"
// Tempral Relocation
weapon4 = "tr"
weaponHardpoints4 = "hp01" "hp02"
// ****************************************************
The reason for this is because the numbers for the special weapons were not correct - did not start from 0 to 4 but instead started from 1 through 5
// ****************************************************
2) open your folder: setup and copy the gstealth.odf file to your odf/special_weapons folder. (The bat file that came with the mod did not copy this file over into that directory)
3) go to your folder: techtree/fulltech.tt and open it with notepad. go to the very bottom and add this lines:
gstealth.odf 0
(so the stealth mode will work in a free tech game)
4) open your folder: techtree/tech1.tt and open it in notepad. Go to the very bottom and add this lines:
gstealth.odf 0
(so the stealth mode will work in regular tech)
5) go into the odf/stations/fbase.odf and open it in notepad. Go to the very bottom and remove the:
buildItem4 = "fvoy"
buildItem5 = "fsc4"
from being at the very bottom and paste them up with the other buildItems (just in case. not sure if this effects the mod or not)
well i really feel like an idiot now...
b_tr gbtmpdis00 0 0 64 64
in instead of
b_gbtr gbtmpdis00 0 0 64 64
Yes, that will definatly fix the button. Just take the gb out of the tr code. As shown above
b_tr gbtmpdis00 0 0 64 64 (instead of)
b_gbtr gbtmpdis00 0 0 64 64