Akula Class - TNG Refit
The Akula Class TNG/TLE refit is a quick kitbash of my
recently released Freedom class. This ship is not meant to
be an actualy refit of the Akula superstructure, more of a
ship that does tribute to the Akula, named Akula refit in honour
of the Akula we all knew and loved in the SFC series and KA.
Hope everyone enjoys!
I also included a new Freedom class odf, there were no bugs in
the previous one but I did make a mistake. I had the shield
target hardpoints under the hull target hardpoints! It's not a big
deal but I suppose if I made specific HP's for shields, might as well
use them for shields! Not really optional or required, but if you have
the Freedom already, you might aswell enjoy this!
Akula Class by Michael/Fireball
Also Included -> New Freedom Class ODF (read background)
odf - yes
button - yes
wireframe - yes
install instructions - yes
model/mesh - fireball/mike
textures - fireball/mike
build buttons, wires weapons - fireball/mike
The Akula Class TNG/TLE refit is a quick kitbash of my
recently released Freedom class. This ship is not meant to
be an actualy refit of the Akula superstructure, more of a
ship that does tribute to the Akula, named Akula refit in honour
of the Akula we all knew and loved in the SFC series and KA.
Hope everyone enjoys!
I also included a new Freedom class odf, there were no bugs in
the previous one but I did make a mistake. I had the shield
target hardpoints under the hull target hardpoints! It's not a big
deal but I suppose if I made specific HP's for shields, might as well
use them for shields! Not really optional or required, but if you have
the Freedom already, you might aswell enjoy this!
Drag and drop the contents of the ZIP file directly
into your Armada II directory to add the new files
to your game.
open your weapon.spr
in your sprites folder
# End new weapons
put theese lines
# TNG Phaser
Ffreephas Ffreephas 0 0 512 128 @anim=tex1x4
# TNG Torpedo
Ffreephot Ffreephot 0 0 128 128 @anim=tex4x4
ok your done in the weapons.spr
now open your gui_global.spr
under federation build buttons
and under
put this line
b_FakulaR GBFakulaR 0 0 64 64
then go all the way down to federation wireframes,
put this line
FakulaRw1 WFakulaR 160 0 80 80
FakulaRw2 WFakulaR 0 80 80 80
FakulaRw3 WFakulaR 80 80 80 80
FakulaRw4 WFakulaR 80 0 80 80
FakulaRw5 WFakulaR 0 0 80 80
Go to your ODF folder in the base Armada II directory.
Proceed to the Stations folder.
Open the ODF of a shipyard of your choice
and add the Akula to build there
(x representing the build item)
buildItemx = "FakulaR"
Go to the techtree folder in the Armada II directory.
Open tech1.tt
Look under federation ships
and put the following line:
FakulaR.odf 2 fyard.odf fbase.odf
and after that all you have to do is sit back and enjoy :)
- Fireball
I am not responsible for any damage this may cause to your system.
If your have problems, are looking for permission to use my mod or would like to alter it and put it in your mod you can contact me at:
furious_fireball_101@yahoo.ca or via Armada2files.com
This is an Armada 2 only mod.
Version | Author | FIREBALL_IV | Website | ||
Downloads | 325 | Size | 2.64 MB | Created | 2008-10-24 |
9.5/10 (voted 10/10