Admirals Sovereign Admirals Sovereign

(71 votes)
Unknown / Anonymous, 2003-05-10

The Sovereign class is the pinnacle of the Federation. It sums it up in just over 700m of sleek cutting and blistering power; she can explore like the Galaxy class, but fight like a Negh'Var battleship. Designed to be one of the Anti-Borg ships (such other ships include the New Orleans and Cheyenne that fought in Wolf 359 and the later ships that proved to be more successful, including the Akira and Defiant) but wasn't ready in time for the Wolf 359 battle. Flagship of the fleet with its power alone (never mess with a ship that has torpedo tubes going into 2 digits and fires quantum torpedoes) it's apt that it is blessed with a great model in this game.

Admiral's Sovereign is a real beauty. You don't need me to tell you that though, the screenshots below really do not do it justice. Low in poly (just above the stock Sovereign, in fact) its textures allow it to shine through (of which there are two sets, one shown below and a darker one for those who perhaps want the more militaristic feel to it). This isn't limited to the ship itself. The texture for the Corbomite Reflector has also been edited and is a lot more clear-cut and defined....and generally cooler. That pretty much sums up this mod; it's better. Just so much better. The only erk with it and I believe it to be a valid one, is that with its new weapons it can become slightly un-balanced (as in Borg killer un-balanced) but what's a Battleship without the ability to kick some ass? This is a must-have for anyone who plays this game.

Star Trek Armageddon
Admirals Sovereign!!

Alright folks, this is the ship youve all been waiting for...I thought Id release it to maybe get the community goin again...there are more to follow...Okay theres a lot of
stuff in this file...thats why its a little bigger than most ships..but its fully modded and stuff...Everything should work fine, except maybe the explosion...of the ship..and if this doesnt
work, I'll send an update to fix this...Feedback is welcome.

okay, heres the credits

Original model: Admiral
original conversion to Armada: Thor
Texture: Mangledduk
Lightmaps: Unholy Trinity
photon and quantum torpedo textures: Rake's Weapons textures
buttons and various bitmaps and such: Mangledduk
animated phaser texture, shield texture, etc: Mangledduk
all odfs, weapons and such: Mangledduk
sounds: Mangledduk, except for the Quantum torpedo sound...thats from First Contact and is from the Bridge Commander Community
I think thats about it...if I missed anyone...Im sorry, contact me and Ill credit you, Im not trying to get glory for this;o)

I think thats about it for now....special thanks to Mith - co administrator of Armageddon for keeping it alive, The Armada community for supporting us and giving us a ton of ideas...lots of others
that have been waiting for this model...sorry it took so long to put up for download....MAKE SURE TO CHECK OUT the Armageddon website...


Unzip in your main Armada 2 directory...say yes to replace files, should work out, I havent tested it
but if you have any me FUN! One more thing, its recommended you install
this on a clean install of Armada since we will be releasing Armageddon ship by ship, so collect em all, lol;o)
peace out...

Version    Author  Unknown / Anonymous  Website   
Downloads  7,663  Size  2.81 MB  Created  2003-05-10 



#21 Captain_Righteous 2005-04-21 16:43
I can't BELIEVE that this has over 1000 downloads. No offence but anyone could make this with a lot patience and a little time on their hands. :roll:
#22 Captain_Spadaro 2005-05-31 19:40
Whenever I try to download this, it only gets 240 KB, then says the download is complete, when its clearly not. Has anyone else experienced this with this or any other file?
#23 Admiral_Carter 2005-07-14 13:20
...But that was off the subject. I looked the whole model over, and the ONLY THINGS missing were the phaser strips on the nacelle pylons! RockRockRock
#24 Pervy_Pete 2006-04-03 13:58
Its BRILLIANT! its beautiful, but its poly count is not too high so it does not kill ur game. Maybe a bit to powerful compared to the other ships in the game. probaly one of the few ships that can hold itself to a borg Fusion Cube.Easy to install aswell. 100000000000000000000000000000/10! Well done. Rock :thumbsup: Rock
#25 HighGuardKnight 2006-04-15 23:26
Nice "little" download. impressed with the improved firepower and the quality of the texture, it looks awesome.

A little concerned however that for some odd reason, the first shot taken when approaching an enemy ship, just shoots off to the port of the Sovereign, rather than at the target.

still, asides from that and the lack of a borg texture, awesome download. :thumbsup:
#26 starcat45532 2006-08-10 18:40
#27 pacsouljah 2007-01-06 22:06
I downloaded this a long time ago, but neglected to rate this, so I'll do so now. This is perhaps the best sovereign I have yet seen, and standing at around 900 polies, you can pretty much mass produce these babies and not worry about lag, which is always a plus, I haven't checked any schematics or official models, but this seems to be the most accurate soverign ever, the only ship that compares is P81's, but his is a bit high on poly count I think. And I absolutely love the fact that has multi-targeting phaser and burst fire torpedoes, but only has one single firing quantum torpedo launcher, as it is in the movies. And this changes the texture of the corbomite refractor as well, and this version is much much better than the stock. The special weapon burst quantums is also a very nice touch. I also like the fact that it has a special weapon that is a modification of the klingon death chant, which would simulate picard's ability to coordinate the fleet for maximum performance. I am quite surprised that it has gotten such low ratings, as this mod corrects the atrocious ship that was the original stock sovereign. 10/10 for an execellent model and effort!!
#28 Muxa 2007-02-21 14:09
Well I downloaded this because I got tired of the stock sovereign, and the pics were just awesome. I started a game and watched the ship being built, it looked even better than on the pics, and just shortly before it was done ... my game crashed, I tried it over wondering what would happen starting the tutorial, same again, what's the matter? It looks amazing so I really would love to add this ship, please help me out.
#29 Joelteon7 2007-03-07 13:38
@28 - Do you have any other mods in game? It is possible that there was a conflict if you installed this over any others.

In addition, did you manually install this or did you copy files across and have done? If the first is true, is it possible you made an error in input? If so, re-trace your steps and see where you went wrong. In addition, in the future, make a back-up of moddable files so you have something to fall back on :-)
#30 Joelteon7 2007-04-09 15:46
For those wondering, I edited the entire review. It was irritating me, so both the rating and review it self were completely re-done. Hope it's good enough :-)

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