Achilles Class
A decent ship, but the texture could use some work. props to Wasaap for his easy to use installer

This mod gives the Federation a BIG buffed up Achillies Class with 4
phasers, and 4 quantom
torpedo turrents.
nothing! you dont have to do anything on your part. just double click on the
installer and vuala! it will install itself!
Achillies Class by Major A Payne
ODF file for Achillies Class by Concept:Future
modifications and installer created by Wasaap (me)
Version | 1.1 | Author | WASAAP | Website | |
Downloads | 4,118 | Size | 306.60 KB | Created | 2002-11-02 |
This was one of my first ever downloads for A2 and i realy love how the Micro Quantum torpedos cripple enemies when the ships is heading for an enemy orbital facility
Before you quote about how the vessel should be, this isn't Dominion Wars remember. Besides which if your not happy with it, instead of moaning about the fact get hold of the unconverted version of this vessel and rehardpoint it how you like. I gaurentee that people will moan about the balance issues that would arise.