Super Construction Ships
This adds super weapons to the construction ships as well as other features.
However i'm a bit dubious about this part of the code for the federation one -> buildItem0 = "fbase"
buildItem1 = "fyard"
buildItem2 = "fsensor"
buildItem3 = "fturret"
buildItem4 = "fmining"
buildItem5 = "fresear"
buildItem6 = "fresear2"
buildItem7 = "fyard2"
buildItem8 = "AS_0005D"
buildItem9 = "fsuperbl"
buildItem10 = "forbital"
buildItem11 = "ftrading"
buildItem12 = "fupgrade"
buildItem13 = "fbase2"
buildItem14 = "jup"
buildItem15 = "doomsday"
buildItem16 = "defsat"
cause this implies that you just wont be able to build the items if you don't have the same computer as the maker of the mod - needs a little more work to be done on it.
simply open the hard drive and put in program files/actavison/star trek armada2 /odf/ships and over ride as nesasery , you may use this just give creidet to talon8833 , thaks ;)
Version | Author | talon8833 | Website | ||
Downloads | 954 | Size | 7.72 KB | Created | 2003-03-02 |
ex. 0-13 = 14 item since they use 0 instead of 1 as their starting number. ( with the exception of the map editor.)
adds special weps??
I was about to point that out... all programming code with numbers in it starts from 0 as it recognises 0 as a number....