Starfinder Class Starfinder Class

(9 votes)
HMS_Frontier, 2006-08-20

This is a federation starship that looks like it takes some inspiration from the Prometheus.

Starfinder Class By HMS_Frontier

Devolved In 2367 The Starfinder Class Is Fast And Movable But Larger Than The Arkira Being A Total 2275ft In Length
Armed With EDS Shielding Phasers Micro Quantum Torpedoes And Quantum Chain Reaction Pulsar


Original Arkira Model Design: Alex Jager
Original Mesh: Alex Jager
Original Textures: Rick Knox

Tweaked Arkira Model Design: SupaStarAsh
Edited Textures: SupaStarAsh
Lightmaps on TGA's: SupaStarAsh

Model Alterations From Arkira To Starfinder By Me
odf Files And Admirals Pic By Me

Open Located In The Techtree Folder and Add
fbcruise.odf 0
EDSShielding.odf 0
gqchainp.odf 0

Then Open The Located In The Techtree Folder And Change
fedpod11.odf 1 fupgrade.odf // research pod (weapon upgrade level 2)
fedpod11.odf 0 // research pod (weapon upgrade level 2)

And Then Add
qchainp.odf 1 Fedpod21.odf //Quantum Chain Reaction Pulsar

Place The odf Ship Files In odf\ships Folder
Place The Special Weapons odf Files In odf\special_weapons Folder
Place The Photons odf Files In odf\weapons\Photons Folder
Place The Phasers odf Files in odf\weapons\Phasers Folder
Place The Physical odf Files in odf\other Folder
Place The Sound Files In The sounds\voiceover\ingame Folder
Place The Sod Files In The Sod Folder
Place The Textures In The Textures RBG Folder

Then Go To The Build Section Of Your Federation Advanced Shipyard And Put
buildItemx = "fbcruise"
Replace The x With The Number Ship It Is On The Build List

Put The Admirals Log Pic In C:\Program Files\Activision\Star Trek Armada II\bitmaps\AdmiralsLog\ShipImages Folder

Open The events Folder In The Main A2 Directory With A Text Editor And Add

# Battle Cruiser SOUNDS

Sound <borg> "gvobor30.wav"
Sound <federation> "bcruiser1.wav"
Sound <klingon> "gvokc101.wav"
Sound <romulan> "gvorc101.wav"
Sound <cardassian> "carcrus1_ackn1_att4_move4.wav"


Sound <borg> "gvobor17.wav"
Sound <borg> "gvobor19.wav"
Sound <borg> "gvobor60.wav"
Sound <federation> "bcruiser8.wav"
Sound <federation> "bcruiser10.wav"
Sound <federation> "bcruiser9.wav"
Sound <klingon> "gvokc116.wav"
Sound <klingon> "gvokc117.wav"
Sound <klingon> "gvokc118.wav"
Sound <romulan> "gvorc116.wav"
Sound <romulan> "gvorc117.wav"
Sound <romulan> "gvorc118.wav"
Sound <cardassian> "carcrus1_sel1_att5_move5.wav"
Sound <cardassian> "carcrus1_sel2_att6_move6.wav"
Sound <cardassian> "carcrus1_sel3.wav"


Sound <borg> "gvobor06.wav"
Sound <borg> "gvobor09.wav"
Sound <borg> "gvobor42.wav"
Sound <federation> "bcruiser2.wav"
Sound <federation> "bcruiser3.wav"
Sound <federation> "bcruiser4.wav"
Sound <klingon> "gvokc106.wav"
Sound <klingon> "gvokc107.wav"
Sound <klingon> "gvokc108.wav"
Sound <romulan> "gvorc106.wav"
Sound <romulan> "gvorc107.wav"
Sound <romulan> "gvorc108.wav"
Sound <borg> "gvobor30.wav"
Sound <klingon> "gvokc101.wav"
Sound <romulan> "gvorc101.wav"
Sound <borg> "gvobor19.wav"
Sound <borg> "gvobor60.wav"
Sound <federation> "gvofc116.wav"
Sound <federation> "gvofc117.wav"
Sound <klingon> "gvokc117.wav"
Sound <klingon> "gvokc118.wav"
Sound <romulan> "gvorc116.wav"
Sound <romulan> "gvorc117.wav"
Sound <cardassian> "carcrus1_att1.wav"
Sound <cardassian> "carcrus1_att2.wav"
Sound <cardassian> "carcrus1_att3.wav"
Sound <cardassian> "carcrus1_ackn1_att4_move4.wav"
Sound <cardassian> "carcrus1_sel1_att5_move5.wav"
Sound <cardassian> "carcrus1_sel2_att6_move6.wav"


Sound <borg> "gvobor23.wav"
Sound <federation> "bcruiser11.wav"
Sound <klingon> "gvokc121.wav"
Sound <romulan> "gvorc121.wav"
Sound <cardassian> "carcrus1_stop1.wav"


Sound <borg> "gvobor11.wav"
Sound <borg> "gvobor12.wav"
Sound <borg> "gvobor13.wav"
Sound <borg> "gvobor14.wav"
Sound <federation> "bcruiser7.wav"
Sound <federation> "bcruiser5wav"
Sound <federation> "bcruiser6.wav"
Sound <klingon> "gvokc111.wav"
Sound <klingon> "gvokc112.wav"
Sound <klingon> "gvokc113.wav"
Sound <romulan> "gvorc111.wav"
Sound <romulan> "gvorc112.wav"
Sound <romulan> "gvorc113.wav"
Sound <borg> "gvobor30.wav"
Sound <klingon> "gvokc101.wav"
Sound <romulan> "gvorc101.wav"
Sound <borg> "gvobor19.wav"
Sound <borg> "gvobor60.wav"
Sound <federation> "gvofc116.wav"
Sound <federation> "gvofc117.wav"
Sound <klingon> "gvokc117.wav"
Sound <klingon> "gvokc118.wav"
Sound <romulan> "gvorc116.wav"
Sound <romulan> "gvorc117.wav"
Sound <cardassian> "carcrus1_move1.wav"
Sound <cardassian> "carcrus1_move2.wav"
Sound <cardassian> "carcrus1_move3.wav"
Sound <cardassian> "carcrus1_ackn1_att4_move4.wav"
Sound <cardassian> "carcrus1_sel1_att5_move5.wav"
Sound <cardassian> "carcrus1_sel2_att6_move6.wav"


Sound <borg> "gvobor26.wav"
Sound <federation> "bcruiser12.wav"
Sound <klingon> "gvokc101.wav"
Sound <romulan> "gvorc126.wav"
Sound <cardassian> "carcrus1_repairs1.wav"



And Finaly Open gui_global.spri Located In The Sprites and add
b_fbcruise gbfbcruise 0 0 64 64

To The Federation Build Buttons and
b_EDSShielding gbcorbom00 0 0 64 64

To The Special Weapons Buttons

And There Is No Button For The Quantum Chain Reaction Pulsar Sorry

If You Need Any Help Installing Email Me At helpAT*startrek-armada*co*uk (Replace AT With @ and * With .)

Please Email Me For Permission If You Would Like To Put This In Your Mod Or Re-releases This Mod

Copyright notices:
Star Trek: Armada, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: The Next Generation,
Star Trek: Voyager Star Trek: Enterprise (and the various logo devices used in them) are copyright Paramount Pictures,
as are the characters, related images, and sound from the productions.


Version    Author  HMS_Frontier  Website   
Downloads  968  Size  2.11 MB  Created  2006-08-20 



#21 HMS_Frontier 2006-08-21 13:42
Ive Submitted Screenshot 2 As A PotD And It Is 84th In The Que
#22 MEGA_MAX 2006-08-21 15:09
i posted about 10 POTD's at the BC community and none fo them have shown up WHAAAAAAAAAAAA! :cry:
#23 HMS_Frontier 2006-08-22 03:41
The Update Pach Is Out It Will Update Fix The Following

Changes Ship Tooltip To Say Developed In 2379 Instead Of Developed In 2377

Changes EDS Shields To Absorb Torpedo Energy Instead Of Just Phasers

Gives The Quantum Chain Reaction Pulsar Correct Special Energy Cost

Makes The Quantum Chain Reaction Pulsar Available After You Research Level 2 Weapons Pod Instead Of Level 3
#24 mtthwpez 2006-08-22 14:25
ive put everytging in, but when i click on the weapon in the game it throws me out, what is wrong???
#25 HMS_Frontier 2006-08-22 14:40
#24 Wich Weapon
#26 Star701 2007-04-10 22:52
Everything is fine until i get to the instant action, set up my preferences ect, then when i click start, it loads about half way then it doesn't load anymore. can i get some help here?

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