Ship - Federation - Trafalgar Class Ship - Federation - Trafalgar Class

(3 votes)
Joelteon7, 2005-03-17

Here's a nice ship for the Federation. It looks like a kitbash of the Sovereign, but it's pretty decent. I for one am trying this in my game. Of course, I have like 200 Federation ships in my game, but oh well - one or ten more won't hurt.

Download if you want :-)

Federation Trafalgar Class Battleship
The Trafalgar class starship is combination of an Akira and Soveriegn Class that were both badly damaged. Using the parts of each, Starfleet produced this heavy cruiser capable of firing multiple torpedoes at once. However, due to the conflict in designs at various points, it takes a rather long time to build and quite a lot of resources.

Mesh Details

Poly Count: Aprox 900
Built Time: 4 hours (aprox. 6 hours)
Texture Set: 4 high detail (512*512) Truevision tarGA based texture files.

- Concept and design, and additional creation of all support files (ODF, Admiral's Pic etc.etc) done by Joelteon7.
- Direct kitbash of Stock Sovereign and Akira models from Star Trek Armada.
- Texture set originally created for Bridge Commander USS Enterprise E (Sovereign Class) by Rick "Pneumonic81" Knox. Reapplied to this kitbash model.
- Model Conversion, hardpoint setup, rescaling and retexture done by Major A Payne.
- Build Button by (Wrath of...) Achilles

Installation Instructions

For an un-modded game, simply unzip the files and overwrite any required files when asked (please note, this is for an un-modded version, if you overwrite and know you already have a mod onboard, this will most likely disable the use of the previous mod).

For a modded game, please follow these simple instructions:

1) Place the ftrafalgar odf file in the ships odf folder, ALL tga files in the textures-RGB folder, ftrafalgar SOD into the sod file and the admaril's pic (ftrafalgar.bmp) into bitmpas folder-admiralsimages-shipimages.

2) To add it to your shipyard of choice, please open up either the fyard, fyard2 or fbase odf files (make sure you uncheck any read-only files first, however if this is a modded game already, you'll most likely already have this).

Scroll down to a list where it says: buildItemXX = "XXXXXX"
Now, add an extra line at the bottom of the list saying : buildItemXX = "ftrafalgar" ,the X in this case will represent the last number on the list plus one, so, say you're putting this in the starbase, you'll see:

buildItem3 = "frepair"

You'll want to do this:

buildItem4 = "ftrafalgar"

3) Now, open tech1 (making sure you've unchecked read-only). Now, go to where it say's :

fbattle.odf 2 fyard2.odf fupgrade.odf // battleship (sovereign

add underneath it:

ftrafalgar.odf 2 fyard2.odf fupgrade.odf // battleship (Trafalgar Class)

This means the Trafalgar class will be built when the Sovereign is accessible.

Now, open fulltech and add underneath the first entry:

ftrafalgar.odf 0

4) Now, open your gui_global file (this is located in sprites folder) and make sure you've un-checked read-only.

Now, scroll down to where it say's :

# Federation build buttons

then scroll down a tiny bit further and it'll say:

@reference=64 (I say scroll but you'll probably find that you can see it from when you scroll down to find the above.)

Anyhow, somewhere in that section, enter this line:

b_ftrafalgar gbftrafalgar 0 0 64 64

Now, only one more step to go, the wireframe (Please note, in saving much time, there isn't a "traditional" wireframe, it is merely a picture of the ship so that atleast when you select it you know what you've selected.) Anyhow, scroll down until you see this:

# Federation wireframes


(this will be quite a bit further down, but you'll know if you're in the right place if you passed a section of entries that are all 5 blocks long.)

Anyhow, scroll down a little bit more until you reach this:

# Klingon wireframes

Right now before it say's klingon wireframes but below where it say's ctf_fgalaxyw5...enter this block:


ftrafalgarw1 ftrafalgarw 0 0 128 128
ftrafalgarw2 ftrafalgarw 0 0 128 128
ftrafalgarw3 ftrafalgarw 0 0 128 128
ftrafalgarw4 ftrafalgarw 0 0 128 128
ftrafalgarw5 ftrafalgarw 0 0 128 128

So now, that should look like this:

ctf_fgalaxyw1 fedwireframe01 0 48 48 48
ctf_fgalaxyw2 fedwireframe01 48 48 48 48
ctf_fgalaxyw3 fedwireframe01 96 48 48 48
ctf_fgalaxyw4 fedwireframe01 144 48 48 48
ctf_fgalaxyw5 fedwireframe01 192 48 48 48


ftrafalgarw1 ftrafalgarw 0 0 128 128
ftrafalgarw2 ftrafalgarw 0 0 128 128
ftrafalgarw3 ftrafalgarw 0 0 128 128
ftrafalgarw4 ftrafalgarw 0 0 128 128
ftrafalgarw5 ftrafalgarw 0 0 128 128

# Klingon wireframes

There we go, installation complete, all you need to do is go in game and enjoy.
If the game is not working or you cannot use the ship, please go back through the installation process. If you have followed it through and believe it is working correctly, please contact the address below.

You download this model and its associated texture files with the following understanding:
1) That you will not distribute any part of this zip in any capacity for any means of profit.
2) That you will refrain from editing any part of the mesh and/or textures without permission from the original creator of this work.
3) Any image usage or reconversions/additional usage will carry the above credits.

If you are agreeable to these points the feel free to use this. If not then you are politely asked to remove it from your pc.

In the event of any necessary contact then please use the following methods:
- EMAIL: (check this regularly)
- MSN Messenger: (check this almost as often)

Thankyou for downloading this release.

Version  1.0  Author  Joelteon7  Website   
Downloads  744  Size  1.55 MB  Created  2005-03-17 



#1 SHERMAN2 2005-03-17 21:06


Of course, I have like 200 Federation ships in my game, but oh well - one or ten more won't hurt.


thats it? i got like 750.
#2 Elrond 2005-03-17 21:23
Hehe. I counted again - it's actually like 250 ships and 125 stations - but that's just in one installation of my game. I hear ya there - there are at least 750 Federation ships.
#3 Joelteon7 2005-03-18 17:53
whaddya think people?
#4 CmdrFelix 2005-03-19 20:28
Looks like a sovereign mix with an akira. You should call it a sovkira :D . I'll Download. BTW how did you get 250 ships!? When you open the shipyard build menu it must fill the screen!
#5 Joelteon7 2005-03-23 07:04
lol, I could tell you Cmdr the different names thought up, like Sovra, and Akireign (made up but meh), I picked the Trafalgar cause for some bizarre reason it sounded right, anyhow, glad you like it :-)
#6 Elrond 2005-03-23 22:58
Well, there are many shipyards - one shipyard can only build 13 ships, 14 at most. Each race has at least four ship yards in my game.
#7 MEGA_MAX 2006-04-23 13:33
Awsome ship!! Rock Can you make a mix of a intrepid and a galaxy too! 8)

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