S31 Construction Vessel S31 Construction Vessel

(18 votes)
ArcherScott, 2005-10-15

This is an updated version of the S31 Construction Vessel for Armada II. You can now build planets to confuse your enemy and the ship comes with some new features such as special weapons, They also allow a new armed research station to be built, resource collecters and turrets to keep Starfleet at the top.

Those agents are back and with new weapons + upgraded stations for the

They have acquired planet building expertise (confuse the enemy, make them
wonder where they are), nebula generation
(useful to regenerate your base after a devastating attack) and enhanced
special weapons to name but a few.

Now their construction ship is armed, the towing beam has been omitted to
make way for special weapon use.
(I used Instant Drive but you decide which one!)

They also allow a new armed research station to be built, resource
collecters and turrets to keep Starfleet at the top.


To start from scratch and put the S31 items into your files, I have divided
the installations, for ease, into five parts;
construction vessel, research station, pods, special weapons and

For those with S31 Construction Vessel already just overwrite the odf
fconst2.odf with the new one.
Add the new psyhics file too. Then start from Part 2.


Part 1/5


odfs into odf/ships
scargophys2.odf into odf/others
sod into SOD folder
tgas into Textures/RGB
bitmap into bitmaps/Admirals Log/Ship Images

find the techtree folder and Tech1 then add under last Fed ship:

fconst2.odf 1 fbase.odf // s31 construction vessel.

save and close and find fulltech and add under last Fed ship

fconst2.odf 0

Save and close and then Find Sprites folder, locate gui_global and add under
last Fed ship

b_fconst2 gbfconst2 0 0 64 64 (align if needed)

Go down to Fed wireframes and under last Fed ship:

fconst2w1 fedwireframe03 0 144 48 48
fconst2w2 fedwireframe03 48 144 48 48
fconst2w3 fedwireframe03 96 144 48 48
fconst2w4 fedwireframe03 144 144 48 48
fconst2w5 fedwireframe03 192 144 48 48

Finally choose which base/shipyard the ship is to built from! Now you can
build the new S31 station, turrets etc.

add after last ship

buildItem ?? = "fconst2"
?? = being the next number in the list

Part 2/5

To make the new research station:

odf into odf/stations
sod into SOD folder
tgas into Textures/RGB
bitmap into bitmaps/Admirals Log/Ship Images

find the techtree folder and Tech1 then add under last Fed station

fres.odf 2 fbase.odf fresear.odf // s31 science facility

save and close and find fulltech and add under last Fed station

fres.odf 0

Save and close and then Find Sprites folder, locate gui_global and add under
last Fed entry

b_fres gbfres 0 0 64 64 (align if needed)

Go down to Fed wireframes and under last Fed entry

fresw1 fedwireframe07 0 96 48 48
fresw2 fedwireframe07 48 96 48 48
fresw3 fedwireframe07 96 96 48 48
fresw4 fedwireframe07 144 96 48 48
fresw5 fedwireframe07 192 96 48 48

++ One pod remain free for you to add your most frequent special weapon
incase the first pod get blown up!
This makes perfect backups! ++

Part 3/5
** PODS **

Now you are ready to add the pods!!

all pod odfs into odf/stations
sods into SOD folder
tgas into Textures/RGB

find the techtree folder and Tech1 then add under last Fed pods

fedpod30.odf 1 fupgrade.odf // research pod (repair bot)
fedpod31.odf 1 fupgrade.odf // research pod (electric shock)
fedpod32.odf 1 fupgrade.odf // research pod (gamma earth)
fedpod33.odf 1 fupgrade.odf // research pod (s31 torpedo turret)
fedpod34.odf 1 fupgrade.odf // research pod (new fluidic nebula)

save and close and find fulltech and add under last Fed pods

fedpod30.odf 0
fedpod31.odf 0
fedpod32.odf 0
fedpod33.odf 0
fedpod34.odf 0

Save and close and then Find Sprites folder, locate gui_global and add under
last Fed entry

b_fedpod30 gbfedpod30 0 0 64 64
b_fedpod31 gbfedpod30 0 0 64 64
b_fedpod32 gbfedpod30 0 0 64 64
b_fedpod33 gbfedpod30 0 0 64 64
b_fedpod34 gbfedpod30 0 0 64 64

Go down to Fed wireframes and under last Fed pod entry

fedpod30_s podwireframe01 96 192 48 48
fedpod31_s podwireframe01 96 192 48 48
fedpod32_s podwireframe01 96 192 48 48
fedpod32_s podwireframe01 96 192 48 48
fedpod34_s podwireframe01 96 192 48 48

part 4/5

Now to add the special weapons!!

ALL special odfs into odf/special_weapons folder

For the New Fluidic Nebula add the odfs in the file marked Odfs_others into
odf/others - very important!!

find the techtree folder and Tech1 then add under last Fed stations add

fgear.odf 1 fedpod32.odf // gamma earth
ftor.odf 1 fedpod33.odf // s31 torpedo turret

Under special weapons add:

gfedrep2.odf 1 fedpod30.odf // repair bot
gutribm2.odf 1 fedpod31.odf // electric shock
gnebulaGen.odf 1 fedpod34.odf // new fluidic nebula

save and close and find fulltech and add under last Fed stations:

fgear.odf 0
ftor.odf 0

under the last Fed special weapons add:

gutribm2.odf 0
gfedrep2.odf 0
gnebulaGen.odf 0

Open gui_global again and add after last Fed entry:

b_fgear gbfgear 0 0 64 64
b_ftor gbftor 0 0 64 64

Under the last special weapons entry (scroll further down): (align if need

b_gnebulaGen gbnebulaGeneration 0 0 64 64
b_gfedrep2 gbrepair00 0 0 64 64
b_gutribm2 gbutritium00 0 0 64 64

Now finally add the wireframes for the turret and Gamma Earth, place under
last Fed entry:

fgearw1 borgwireframe01 0 96 48 48
fgearw2 borgwireframe01 48 96 48 48
fgearw3 borgwireframe01 96 96 48 48
fgearw4 borgwireframe01 144 96 48 48
fgearw5 borgwireframe01 192 96 48 48

ftorw1 fedwireframe06 0 96 48 48
ftorw2 fedwireframe06 48 96 48 48
ftorw3 fedwireframe06 96 96 48 48
ftorw4 fedwireframe06 144 96 48 48
ftorw5 fedwireframe06 192 96 48 48


Last thing to do!!

First save your ffreight.odf, fcruise3.odf and your fdestroy.odf in
odf/ships in another folder as the following will
overwrite them!

Now open the included folder Modified ODFs then place

fcruise3.odf into odf/ships

The freighter now mines metal and mines all resources more quickly!
The Defiant + Intrepid now have the new special weapons.

Special notes:

Gamma Earth can process all resources - even metal!

There we are, now you are ready - the question is, will your foe be ready??

Full credits to Activision, I just tweaked what was there to enhance the
Feds to stay No1!!

Any problems just e-mail jake_dean5055@hotmail.com


Version    Author  ArcherScott  Website   
Downloads  796  Size  2.45 MB  Created  2005-10-15 



#1 MajorPayne 2005-10-15 22:26
Interesting concept to say the least. Shame its the stock models though which does let the mod down a little, but still.
#2 archerscott 2005-10-16 04:47
Don't worry, as soon as I get moddelling software I will make my own ships/stations. This is my ultimate goal! There will be plenty of ideas too come!

But I wanted this out now, as it's taken ages too work out all the bugs! And the stock models aren't that bad! (Without them we would not have a game!)

I have only recently got a job and am saving enough money for the right software! :o

Glad you find it interesting!


#3 SpaceMaster 2005-11-29 10:18
I was going to make something that could build planets, but you beat me to it. 9/10
#4 starwarswins 2008-07-03 18:02

I did, however make the standard con ship make a s31 reasearch station and it is nice.

Also you should make instructions on how to make your ships be able to use the new special weapons.

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