Premier Class by Capt Jack Premier Class by Capt Jack

(6 votes)
Capt. Jack, 2003-07-01

This is Capt Jack's Premier Class, its his first ship, so be nice Smile.

Here is one of my models the Premier Class Starship.
It's classified as a offensive and supportship to Starfleet.

Mesh by: Capt Jack
Odf by: Myself
Exported to SOD by: Jolt_Commander
Hardpoints and Textures by: Jolt_Commander

Hope you like it.It is made for Armada 2.

To install just open this folders and copy files into the right places.If asked to overwrite file press 'YES'

1)Put the fpremier.bmp into the bitmaps/AdmiralsLog/ShipImages folder.
2)Put the fpremier.odf into the odf/ship folder.
3)Put the fpremier.sod into the SOD folder.
4)Put the fyard2.odf into the odf/stations folder.
5)Put the gui_global.spr into the Sprites folder.
6)Put the and into the techtree folder.
7)Put all the TGA's into the Textures/RGB folder.

To install manually;

If you have other mods installed then you can install manually.
Just do this to install it manually:

Open this folders and copy files into the right places

1)Put the fpremier.bmp into the bitmaps/AdmiralsLog/ShipImages folder.
2)Put the fpremier.odf into the odf/ship folder.
3)Put the fpremier.sod into the SOD folder.
4)Put all the TGA's into the Textures/RGB folder.

Then look for the following folders to manually install the info listed below

Open the odf/stations folder and put this into the yard or station of your
choose. look under this area

//Construction Parameters
ADD This;

buildItemX = "fpremier"

replace the 'X' to the next number of the list.

Then open the Sprites folder and look for this file gui_global.spr file
open it and look for this area

# Federation build buttons

ADD This;

b_fpremier gbfpremier 0 0 64 64

then in the same file go down until you find this area

# Federation wireframes

ADD This;

fpremierw1 fwpremier 40 0 40 40
fpremierw2 fwpremier 0 40 40 40
fpremierw3 fwpremier 40 40 40 40
fpremierw4 fwpremier 80 0 40 40
fpremierw5 fwpremier 0 0 40 40

Then open the techtree folder and open the fulltech file
Add this at the top of the list;

fpremier.odf 0

and in the same techtree folder, look for the tech1 file open it
Add this at the end of the list of the FEDERATION SHIPS LIST;

fpremier.odf 0 // (premier class)

Then your done and now it is ingame to have fun with.Please enjoy the new ship.

Any questions or comments please feel free to submit them to: email:

Version    Author  Capt. Jack  Website   
Downloads  482  Size  82.62 KB  Created  2003-07-01 



#1 MajorPayne 2003-07-01 11:30
I think someone should remember to include ALL the files when submitting a mod. The zip is missing the actual TGA texture file/files.
#2 Borg131 2003-07-01 16:21
i see a patch.....
#3 Captain_Steve 2003-07-01 20:50
i hope to see a picture next time too
#4 CaptJack 2003-07-02 15:33
I'm very sorry on the missing TGA file/files.

If anyone downloads this, just email me and I'll

send them the TGA files A.S.A.P.

And sorry for the missing parts.
#5 CmdrJack 2004-07-13 17:17
If any one is tring to email Capt Jack. His User Name & email has changed. Due to his old PC crashed and he as a new PC now.
#6 CaptJack 2005-07-26 13:59
I have got my e-mail address back. If you need to get a message to my, you can at or that it my new one under the name CmdrJack.

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