Owned Class Starship Owned Class Starship

(20 votes)
Admiral Mukavich, 2005-11-27

This is a "Owned" class destroyer, for Armada II. The ship is of a fast, sleak design, but I'm not too keen on the name. Still, a good ship non the less.

this is the owned class destroyer

installation is simple, just copy the sods to the sod folder,
the odf's to their respective odf folders,
the textures to the textures/rgb folder,
the tech 1 to the tech tree folder,
and the gui global to the sprites folder
the tech tree and gui global have the
dominion ultimate on them, so if you have
those installd there is no need to worry.
if not, just overwrite your files with this
anyway keep in mind that if you have other mods this will
overwrite those gui global and techtree files,
so backup your files, this also includes the
upgraded steamrunner class vessel, which has
multiple tricobalt torpedo launchers
and enhanced shield strength
(made to keep in production with the advent of the pwn3d class)

hope you enjoy this.

(once you have this file, it is yours to do with whatever you want, be it modding the sod's etc, however,
it would be greatly appreciated if you were to send your modded pwn3d to this address: bigdack01@hotmail.com)

Admiral Mukavich

Version    Author  Admiral Mukavich  Website   
Downloads  339  Size  194.46 KB  Created  2005-11-27 



#11 thor1963 2005-12-01 14:11
As part of armada files rule number 5 mostly says it all: When posting comments, you must follow these rules:#5 :No Attacks / Retaliation of any kind against a member, or group of members.

to me when you make remarkscomments like that, it is called an attack or retaliation due to someones comments. lets go back to everyones first mod and see how the comments came about for yourselves about your first mod/moddling. it takes time to learn all this and everyone knows it . and lets see how the latest mods look now.

live long and prosper Admiral Mukavich keep modding
#12 techoid 2005-12-17 20:14
Where is the deed or the Title?Who owns it???
#13 Wheller 2007-02-07 14:46
now what is this? owned class? :mad:

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