NX Class NX Class

(9 votes)
Michael Kelly, 2003-02-23

This Mod gives a Borg Texture to Deemon's NX Class as well as giving it the missle from Prophet's Armada 1 version.

NX Class Mod

MOD Type - Additional feature
Class - NX
Author - Michael Kelly
Author's Email Address - pkelly@senet.com.au


Texture Info

Federation - Yes
Borg - Yes
Alpha Channel - Yes


Weapon Info

Phaser - Yes
Photon/Missle - Yes
Pulse - No

Details / Install

This Mod gives a Borg Texture to Deemon's NX Class as well as giving it the missle from Prophet's Armada 1 version.


1. Copy the following information into the specified files:

- tech1.tt - Techtree Directory
fnx.odf 1 fyard.odf // nx class

- fulltech.tt - Techtree Directory
fnx.odf 0

- gui_global.spr - Sprites Directory

Federation build buttons
b_fnx gbfnx 0 0 64 64

Federation wireframes
fnxw1 fedwireframe08 0 0 48 48
fnxw2 fedwireframe08 48 0 48 48
fnxw3 fedwireframe08 96 0 48 48
fnxw4 fedwireframe08 144 0 48 48
fnxw5 fedwireframe08 192 0 48 48

2. Extract the included files to the following directories

- File - - Directory -

fnx.odf - odf / ship

fnx.sod - SOD

NX-01.tga - Textures / RGB
NX-01.tga_b - Textures / RGB
FEDWIREFRAME08.tga - Textures / RGB

emiss.odf - odf / weapons / photons
misso.odf - odf / weapons / photons

fnxphas.odf - odf / weapons / phasers
fnxphaso.odf - odf / weapons / phasers

fnxp.wav - Sounds / effects

3. Add the NX Class to a shipyard.




SOD - Deemon
Fed Texture - Deemon
fnx.odf - Deemon
phaser odf's - Deemon
Wav - Deemon
Borg Texture - Me
Missile Odf's - The Prophet - Slightly modified


Final Words

I hope you enjoy this mod. I do.

Any comments you have are welcome.

Version    Author  Michael Kelly  Website   
Downloads  1,480  Size  1.13 MB  Created  2003-02-23 



#11 AtlantisX302 2007-03-06 11:30
All I get for the ship is a white box with a red spider on it so you all think yourselves lucky!!!

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