Stock Model Enterprise-D & Saucer/Stardrive Stock Model Enterprise-D & Saucer/Stardrive

(5 votes)
Jabsticles, 2008-12-22

This mod allows you to use the stock Galaxy (and pretty much everything else from stock Galaxy) in order to represent the Enterprise-D. I say "represent" since the textures are unmodified and the .SOD is as well.

I understand that Jabsticles must be pretty keen on getting involved in the modding community-- both of the mods today are only based on stock for now, but with the level of enthusiasm seen here, hopefully better is yet to come.


My second mod! Yay!
Okay, to tell the truth, I can't use those texture altering programs at all, So don't expect any time soon that I will release a new class of vessel. But I can and will do that with the modles given to us by Activision.

Okay, in the zip you will find an entd, entdbb and entdsaucer. Now two are obvious and if your smart the other one is too.

Not smart... Okay. The bb stands for Battle Bridge! So thats the stardrive section of Entd.

Everything Here uses stock textures so unless you've modded the Galaxy, I don't see any problem.


Put entd.odf in odf/ships
Put entd.SOD in sod
Put fentbb and fentdsaucer into odf/ships
Put their respective SOD's into sod.

Go to and
Insert fentd.odf 0 (make sure they're aligned properly)

Go to gui_global.spr and under fed build buttons and exacltly underneath this:
b_fgalaxy gbfgalaxy 0 0 64 64
b_fsaucer gbfsaucer 0 0 64 64
b_fbbridge gbfbbridge 0 0 64 64
Put this:
b_fentd gbfentd 0 0 64 64
b_fentdsaucer gbfentdsaucer 0 0 64 64
b_fentdbb gbfentdbb 0 0 64 64

Under fed wireframes and exactly under this:
fgalaxyw1 fedwireframe01 0 48 48 48
fgalaxyw2 fedwireframe01 48 48 48 48
fgalaxyw3 fedwireframe01 96 48 48 48
fgalaxyw4 fedwireframe01 144 48 48 48
fgalaxyw5 fedwireframe01 192 48 48 48

Put this:

fentdw1 fedwireframe01 0 48 48 48
fentdw2 fedwireframe01 48 48 48 48
fentdw3 fedwireframe01 96 48 48 48
fentdw4 fedwireframe01 144 48 48 48
fentdw5 fedwireframe01 192 48 48 48

Under the same wireframes directory, find these:
fsaucerw1 fedwireframe04 0 192 48 48
fsaucerw2 fedwireframe04 48 192 48 48
fsaucerw3 fedwireframe04 96 192 48 48
fsaucerw4 fedwireframe04 144 192 48 48
fsaucerw5 fedwireframe04 192 192 48 48

fbbridgew1 fedwireframe05 0 0 48 48
fbbridgew2 fedwireframe05 48 0 48 48
fbbridgew3 fedwireframe05 96 0 48 48
fbbridgew4 fedwireframe05 144 0 48 48
fbbridgew5 fedwireframe05 192 0 48 48

Now, put this under them:

fentdsaucerw1 fedwireframe04 0 192 48 48
fentdsaucerw2 fedwireframe04 48 192 48 48
fentdsaucerw3 fedwireframe04 96 192 48 48
fentdsaucerw4 fedwireframe04 144 192 48 48
fentdsaucerw5 fedwireframe04 192 192 48 48

fentdbbw1 fedwireframe05 0 0 48 48
fentdbbw2 fedwireframe05 48 0 48 48
fentdbbw3 fedwireframe05 96 0 48 48
fentdbbw4 fedwireframe05 144 0 48 48
fentdbbw5 fedwireframe05 192 0 48 48

Now either add the Enterprise D to a starbase or shipyard and it'll work.

BUGS: When you separate, it goes to the normal saucer and stardrive, so I'm working on a new Special Weapon (Basically a redone odf file or two) and that should be released soon. So if you want the Entd saucer & stardrive, you'll have to add it to a shipyard or starbase.

Hope you like!


PS: You can use this in any mod you like, just give me some credit.
The Ships fire out 2 phaser beams from the same spot. Listen for them


Version    Author  Jabsticles  Website   
Downloads  212  Size  52.78 KB  Created  2008-12-22 



#1 undedavenger 2008-12-22 14:05
Not to be bagging on you, Jabstickles, but there's nothing new here. You just renamed the files and slightly modified the ODF. Why bother putting out something that isn't in any way your own work? Again 1/10. There's no effort involved here. I'm working on my first model myself, and it has taken three months and I'm only half done. But it will be MINE when I'm done. Take the time and learn to do this stuff. It gets easier as you do it more.
#2 Pizza_the_Hutt 2008-12-22 14:23
#3 IceBite 2008-12-27 12:55
If I may quote the rules......"5. No Attacks / Retaliation of any kind against a member, or group of members." I think I call that ATTACK against Jabsticles. He at least TRIES!!!!!! My work uses the products of other people's work and look how popular it got in the amount of time it's been out (the UNSC Frigate series).

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