USS Enterprise AR-Prime Hybrid USS Enterprise AR-Prime Hybrid

(2 votes)
Jetfreak, 2009-12-11

We live in an unfortunate age. 90% of everything lately is a remake or reboot or re-imagining or re-something from an idea that originated in someone else's head, a long time ago. Rather than do anything new, the Hollywood and television producers are either throwing their cameras' attention at completely terrible subjects ('reality' TV, anyone?) or taking the stuff that we knew as kids, and giving us an allegedly improved version now that we're all just that little bit older. It truly sucks.

One of the few bright spots has been the JJ Abrams "Star Trek" film released earlier this year. Whether or not you liked the film, you gotta admit that it's nice to see Star Trek actually getting attention again --and new fans, too! We've all expressed our feelings on Ryan Church's design over the past couple months, maybe not in the forums or in a comment, but somewhere. Love it or hate it, unless they make another re-do of the Enterprise in the next movie (and there'll be at least two more), we're going to have to see that version of "the Big E" on screen again.

Jetfreak, however, has applied a rather novel thinking to the entire debate between classic vs old-movies vs new-movie 1701. He's created a unique "AR-Prime" hybrid that uses the frame of the alternate reality created in the 2009 film with a new set of textures largely inspired by the original 1966 "prime" Constitution class. As proof of concept.... it works. As a beautiful ship in its own right.... it sure is.

You're going to want to download this one right now. But after a couple of rather hostile events recently on this very subject, consider this a warning to anyone who comments: discuss Jet's work ONLY in the comments below. Anything else gets edited or deleted in short order.


USS Enterprise AR-Prime Hybrid

- Making a long story short, I was more or less inspired by several hybrid concepts across the web. After seeing some really sweet renditions, I decided to make my own. This is the end result, a proof of concept design.

- Fusing the streamlined look of the Alternate Reality Enterprise and the iconic details of the original, you get a fine hybrid of both. While she may not look much to the haters, I honestly did try to recapture the feel of the good ol' original. Guess it didn't turn out so bad now did it?

- Thinking about it though, I wouldn't actually mind if these modifications were added to the current movie model. I'm pretty sure it will satisfy some of the haters and purists. Well, not all, but still. If we conjecture that the film version was the "Pilot/Pike Version", this well may be the "Kirk Version" eh? Like in the series...

- I once again used Amateur's great model as a base, his version is the best one we have currently. As such, you need not worry if you have the AR Enterprise Installed. This is a completely stand alone model. You will be able to use both side by side.

- A Buildbutton and Admirals Log Picture has been included. Sadly, no wireframe.

- The ship has been balanced to stock A2.

- Oh, and a side note to the haters. You will find that we have little tolerance for such petty issues regarding the design. Keep them to yourself please. We have had enough already. Take heed of Prime Kirk's words: "Young minds, fresh ideas. BE TOLERANT". And yes, we all know how Gabe and Madkoifish's Enterprises are sooo much better in your view, but what's done is done. Time to move on and face facts.

- Putting that aside, I hope you peeps enjoy.


Gene Roddenberry - For creating an enduring franchise and for giving us such a cool place to play.
JJ Abrams and Ryan Church - For boldly going where no one dared to. Giving Trek a new lease on life.
Beginner/Amateur - For the original model.
WileyCoyote - For the textures of his truly magnificent BC model.
Gus - For his immensely detailed Enterprise Blueprints and Schematics.
Fahres - Several minor hull details were derived from his textures.
Bucky - The Nacelle Caps were originally his IIRC.
Jetfreak - Odf, Hex Editing of the model and the Retexture itself.



1) Open the SOD Folder and put the fentarpri.sod in the folder

2) Open the odf/ships Folder and put the fentarpri.odf in the folder

3) Open the bitmaps/admiralslog/shipimages Folder and put the fentarpri.bmp in the folder

4) Open the Textures/RGB Folder and place the all TGA files in the folder

5) Open located in the techtree folder and add the following line:
ffentarpri.odf 1 fyard.odf

6) Open located in the techtree folder and add the following line:
fentarpri 0

7) Open gui_global.spr located in the sprites folder and add the following line: (make sure that they are aligned properly)
b_fentarpri gbfentarpri 0 0 64 64

8) Open the odf/stations folder, open fyard2.odf and add the following line:
add under the list of builditems

buildItemX = "fentarpri" (The X stands for the next number on the list)

9) Thats it, you're done. The ship is ready for launch.

Special Thanks:

- Gene Roddenberry for creating such an enduring franchise.

- To all those who supported the mod's development, your ideas, input, critique, and attention to detail was most helpful.

- You, for downloading this mod.

FAQ and Tidbits:

Why'd you do a hybrid again? You already did one before, but it was the other way around.

- Simply put, because I can. And of course, its for the fans too. I've gotten several requests to undertake this and I finally had the motivation to do it. I really had lots of fun working on this little pet project.

More could have been done to make the model look like the old one. Why'd you bother to retain the AR look.

- There is a reason why it is called a hybrid. I tried to balance the old and new elements in a fair manner. Also, I still wanted to make it look modern, so I kept most of the AR parts.

Why isnt there a registry marking on the nacelles?

- This was actually more or less a compromise, it turns out that they would look mirrored on one side so I omitted it.

There's a BC version of this too, was that the main source inspiration?

- Yup, that was one of the many factors which led me to undertake this project. I thought it looked cool so why not?


If you want to use any of these items in any of your mods, please contact me first via or

- Jetfreak

Version    Author  Jetfreak  Website  Website external 
Downloads  432  Size  4.11 MB  Created  2009-12-11 



#1 Aerilon 2009-12-11 06:38
A wonderful piece of work Jetfreak. You've outdone yourself once again. ;-)
#2 HighGuardKnight 2009-12-11 08:41
Awesome job Jet, love it!
#3 CanadianBorg 2009-12-11 13:29
Very nice indeed. This is what the original Enterprise should have looked like.


P.S. Resistance is futile, eh?
#4 SciFiFan 2009-12-11 14:32
Great job Jet!!!!!Rock
#5 TG_Earl 2009-12-11 15:38
I really like the red buzzard collectors on this one. The blue ones looked a little funny IMO in the movie. Still a great design, that one and this one too. Going to dl this one now.
#6 MrIrksome 2009-12-18 08:14
I like that you put blue phasers on it. That's a good touch.
#7 wildcard621 2010-02-06 07:38
Thats great Jet, its cool when you let the imagined mind run rampant! I LIKE IT!
#8 LowRider1990 2010-05-30 08:38
Me too, nice combo mate
#9 Supreme_Hunter_Guyver 2012-04-05 13:17
I like the redesign, I like the Constitution Refit/Enterprise Class, but not the original Constitution class, and I have to say this is a pretty cool design! Dowloading it now :D

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